This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters J-L.



Johnson, Matilda

Johnson, Mattie

Johnson, Maud

Johnson, Maurice Bardin

Johnson, Melva Lee

Johnson, Melvin Leon

Johnson, Merlyn F.

Johnson, Michael Lee

Johnson, Millon Elizabeth

Johnson, Milton G.

Johnson, Minor

Johnson, Minty Stell

Johnson, M.J.

Johnson, M.L.

Johnson, M.L.

Johnson, M.L. (Mrs.)

Johnson, Monte A.

Johnson, Monte A.

Johnson, Mortimer

Johnson, Murry E.

Johnson, Myrtle Long

Johnson, Myrtle M.

Johnson, Nancy

Johnson, Nancy P.

Johnson, Normie William

Johnson, O.L.

Johnson, Ola W.

Johnson, Ollie Mae

Johnson, Oscar

Johnson, Oscar L.

Johnson, Oscar L.

Johnson, O. Whitamore

Johnson, Pamela

Johnson, Paris Caraway

Johnson, Pat

Johnson, Patricia A.

Johnson, Paul

Johnson, Paul Hubert

Johnson, Peyton

Johnson, Polly Ann Lefler

Johnson, Ralph

Johnson, Ralph

Johnson, Rastus P.

Johnson, Raymond

Johnson, Raymond E.

Johnson, Raymond Ray

Johnson, R.C.

Johnson, Rebecca

Johnson, Rhuben

Johnson, Robbie Linda

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert

Johnson, Robert Erwin

Johnson, Ronnie LeKeith

Johnson, Ronnie LeKeith

Johnson, Rosella Richman

Johnson, Roy

Johnson, Roy V.

Johnson, Rozell J.

Johnson, Ruby Jewell

Johnson, Ruby Pearl Rigg

Johnson, Rufus E.

Johnson, Ruth E.

Johnson, Ruth Ezell

Johnson, R.W.

Johnson, Sadie

Johnson, Sally

Johnson, Sam

Johnson, Samuel A.

Johnson, Samuel D.

Johnson, Sarah

Johnson, Sarah Dianne Merritt

Johnson, Sarah J.

Johnson, Sarah Lou Richmond

Johnson, Satsa A.

Johnson, Scott Allen

Johnson, Sean A.

Johnson, Sean A.

Johnson, S.H.

Johnson, Simpson Madison

Johnson, Sol M.

Johnson, Spencer

Johnson, Stella Blanche

Johnson, Sue

Johnson, Susan M.

Johnson, Susie E.

Johnson, Sydney J.

Johnson, Tarlton

Johnson, Taylor

Johnson, Taylor C.

Johnson, Taylor C.

Johnson, Terry Gail

Johnson, T.H.

Johnson, Thelma Marie

Johnson, Thomas

Johnson, Thomas E.

Johnson, Thomas E.

Johnson, Thomas L.