This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters J-L.



Johnson, Tina Denise

Johnson, Titus

Johnson, T. J.

Johnson, Tommy

Johnson, Tommy E.

Johnson, Uel E.

Johnson, Velma W.

Johnson, Vernon

Johnson, Vernon

Johnson, Vernon C.

Johnson, Vernon C.

Johnson, Walter H.

Johnson, Walter M.

Johnson, Wanda Jean

Johnson, Wanda Jean

Johnson, W.B.

Johnson, Weston

Johnson, W.H.

Johnson, Wiley E.

Johnson, Will

Johnson, William

Johnson, William

Johnson, William

Johnson, William B.

Johnson, William J.

Johnson, William T.

Johnson, Wilson

Johnson, W.M.

Johnson, W.M.

Johnson, W.P.

Johnson, Zora

Johns, Samuel

Johnston, Alma

Johnston, Baby

Johnston, Dale M.

Johnston, Elizabeth J.

Johnston, George W.

Johnston, Guy R.

Johnston, Helen Louise

Johnston, Herbert Lee

Johnston, Houston

Johnston, James Clevlenad

Johnston, James Lawrence

Johnston, Jim

Johnston, Jim

Johnston, John Wesley

Johnston, John Wesley

Johnston, Joseph Reed

Johnston, Larry H.

Johnston, Loris E.

Johnston, Luisa B.

Johnston, Margene

Johnston, Mary E.

Johnston, Mary Jane

Johnston, Maxine

Johnston, Telitha

Johnston, T. H. (Ted)

Johnston, Vernell

Johnston, Warren Roblee

Johnston, William Carleton

Johnston, William P.

Johnston, Will Seaman

Johns, William R.

Johslin, Bertha E.

Johslin, D.A.

Johslin, J.H.

Johslin [sic], Berthta E.

Johslin [sic], J.H.

Joiner, Henry

Joiner, Maggie L.

Jolley, Child

Jolly, Effie

Jolly, Hazel Floyd

Jones, A.B.

Jones, A.B.

Jones, Abner A.

Jones, A.D.

Jones, Ada Jeanette Williams

Jones, Adam

Jones, Addie Lee

Jones, Addie Nelson

Jones, Addison B.

Jones, Agnes

Jones, Agnes Gordon

Jones, A. H.

Jones, A.J.

Jones, Alan

Jones, Alberta

Jones, Albert H.

Jones, Alda Lee

Jones, Aleen M.

Jones, Alex

Jones, Alex

Jones, Alexander W.

Jones, Alford R.

Jones, Alma Mae

Jones, Almeda

Jones, Almeda Parker

Jones, Alva Bryan

Jones, Alvin James