This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters J-L.



Johnson, David Louis

Johnson, David Louis

Johnson, Debra Kay Langston

Johnson, Debra Kay Langston

Johnson, Delia

Johnson, Denisa Hampton

Johnson, Dennis

Johnson, Derwood Franklin

Johnson, Donald Joe

Johnson, Doris Olivette Montgomery

Johnson, Dorothy DeLouis

Johnson, Dorris

Johnson, Dorthia

Johnson, E.A.

Johnson, E.B. (Mrs.)

Johnson, Ed

Johnson, Eddy

Johnson, Edgar

Johnson, Edna

Johnson, Edna

Johnson, Edward

Johnson, Edward D.

Johnson, Edward G.

Johnson, Edward G.

Johnson, Edward T.

Johnson, Elijah Grant

Johnson, Eliza Bell

Johnson, Elizabeth

Johnson, Ella

Johnson, Ella E. Rice

Johnson, Ellie M.

Johnson, Ellis K.

Johnson, Elmer Lee

Johnson, Elsie and Elzie

Johnson, Elsie H.

Johnson, E.M.

Johnson, Emiline

Johnson, Emily

Johnson, Emma

Johnson, Emma Lue Dunlap

Johnson, Emory Ray

Johnson, Erick Lee

Johnson, Erick Lee

Johnson, Ester May

Johnson, Esther

Johnson, Eula Maude

Johnson, Eva Pangle

Johnson, Evelyn Norrell

Johnson, Fannie

Johnson, Fannie

Johnson, Fannie E.

Johnson, Fay

Johnson, Frances

Johnson, Frances Smith

Johnson, Francis

Johnson, Francis Marion

Johnson, Frank

Johnson, Frank L.

Johnson, Franklin Dillard

Johnson, Franklin James

Johnson, Fred

Johnson, George

Johnson, George

Johnson, George B.

Johnson, George Berges

Johnson, George T.

Johnson, George W.

Johnson, Gladys Caldwell

Johnson, Gus Richard

Johnson, Hardy

Johnson, Hardy

Johnson, Hardy Culver

Johnson, Harriet

Johnson, Harry

Johnson, Hattie

Johnson, Hattie

Johnson, Helen D.

Johnson, Henry

Johnson, Henry

Johnson, Henry

Johnson, Henry Fulton

Johnson, Henry S.

Johnson, Herbert

Johnson, Herschel

Johnson, Hester Ann

Johnson, Hester Ann

Johnson, Howard

Johnson, Hubert Madison

Johnson, Huston

Johnson, Hy

Johnson, Ida

Johnson, Ida

Johnson, Idus

Johnson, Infant

Johnson, Ira Dorsey

Johnson, Isaac

Johnson, Jackie Lynn

Johnson, Jake Vander

Johnson, Jake Vander

Johnson, James A.