This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters J-L.



Jobe, Ollie M.

Jobe, Robert Earl

Jobe, Sylvia

Joblin, Alfred H.

Joblin, Alfred Harvey

Joblin, Charley

Joblin, Elizabeth C.

Joblin, Eliza J.

Joblin, Marie

Joblin, Nora

Joblin, Walter R.

Joblin, William Harvey

Joblin, William J.

Joerger, Joseph

Joe, Rutha Marie

Johal, Greta Lea

Johnes, Sebe

Johnke, Walter R.

John, Mina Frazee

Johns, Frank

Johns, Isola M.

Johns, James

Johns, Mary Jane Daley


Johnson, Abbie J.

Johnson, Abe F.

Johnson, A.C.

Johnson, Ada Ann

Johnson, Ada E. Newton

Johnson, Addie H.

Johnson, A.J.

Johnson, A.L.

Johnson, Alfred

Johnson, Allen H.

Johnson, Allen N.

Johnson, Allie M.

Johnson, Alma R.

Johnson, Amanda

Johnson, Amanda Hazle

Johnson, Anderson

Johnson, Andrew

Johnson, Anna

Johnson, Anna Jane

Johnson, Ann H.

Johnson, Annie

Johnson, Annie

Johnson, Annie M.

Johnson, Annie M.

Johnson, Araminda

Johnson, Archer V.

Johnson, Atta Margaret Bartlett

Johnson, Audrey Pearl Moreland

Johnson, Augustus

Johnson, Avis Marguerita

Johnson, A.W.

Johnson, B.C.

Johnson, Ben

Johnson, Bennie R.

Johnson, Betty

Johnson, Beulah M.

Johnson, Beulah M.

Johnson, B.F.

Johnson, Bill

Johnson, Billy Edward

Johnson, Billy M.

Johnson, Boley F.

Johnson, Bonnie Dalphia

Johnson, Brown

Johnson, Brown

Johnson, Bryant C.

Johnson, Buelah

Johnson, Buelah

Johnson, C.

Johnson, C.A.

Johnson, Carlos Ray

Johnson, C. E.

Johnson, Charles

Johnson, Charles D.

Johnson, Charles Dorris

Johnson, Charles Edward

Johnson, Charles Lee

Johnson, Charley

Johnson, Charley Doyle

Johnson, Charlie Ray

Johnson, C.L.

Johnson, Clara Belle

Johnson, Clarance

Johnson, Clarice F.

Johnson, Clayton

Johnson, Cleo Sutton

Johnson, Clyde

Johnson, Cora

Johnson, Cornelia

Johnson, Cornelia

Johnson, Cornelia

Johnson, Cortland

Johnson, Curtis Ray

Johnson, Dan

Johnson, Dan

Johnson, Dan