This category of microfilm consists of microfilmed copies of archival collections from our vaults, loaned materials, and film purchased from other organizations. While the majority of these materials are Arkansas specific, this collection contains material from all 50 states.


Submissions from 2020

Descriptions of census geographical subdivisions and E.D.'s: AL-DEL

Descriptions of census geographical subdivisions and E.D.'s: all states

Descriptions of census geographical subdivisions and E.D.'s: A-W

De Tonti family history

Deveraux Family Material

Diamond mine of Arkansas material

Diamonds in Arkansas: a brief account of the discovery and investigation and the official reports of geologist and mining engineer on the occurrence of diamonds in Pike county Arkansas

Diaries of Jack Gates, POW in Japan

Diary of J.H. Haney

Did they dip? or, An examination into the act of baptism as practiced by the English and American Baptists before the year 1641, by John T. Christian

Dimensions B-M

Dodd family material

Dodd-Pile-Shelpman-McDowell-Neil and Black collection

Doin's in Oklahoma: or a gentle reminder of three years in Arkansas: Dan W. McInturff and Adriel Stephenson

Donaldson school district records

Doolin funeral home records

Dorothy Ross Lawhon scrapbook

Dorough Parkhurst family bible records

Dover, Arkansas, city council records

Dover public school material

"Down in the World" lyrics by Daniel W. McInturff and Music by Roy Hartzell

"Dragonette" Scipio A. Jones high school yearbook

Drew county cemetery records

Drewry Harrington material

Drury D. Suttle autograph book

Duck River Baptist Charity Church records, Lincoln County, Tennessee

Dunn-Phillips family scrapbook

Dwight Mission Records

Dyer- Gibson Counties Death Records, 24000-26999

Dyer-Giles Counties Death, Volumes 15-19, 1919

Dyer-Greene Counties Deaths, Volumes 17-22, 1925

Dyer-Hamilton Counties, Volumes 17-21, 1924

Dyer-Hancock Counties Deaths, Volume 15-19, 1922

Dyess colony material

Eagle Sentinel

Early Arkansas tax records [Arkansas; Ashley Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Arkansas County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Ashley; Benton Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Benton; Bradley Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Bradley; Calhoun Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Calhoun; Carroll Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Carroll; Chicot Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Chicot; Clark Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Chicot County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Clark; Columbia Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Columbia County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Conway County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Conway; Craighead; Crawford Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Crawford County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Crittenden County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Dallas; Desha Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Desha County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Desha; Drew Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Drew County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Franklin; Fulton Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Fulton; Greene Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Greene; Hempstead Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Hempstead; Hot Spring Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Hot Spring County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Independence County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Independence; Izard Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Izard; Jackson Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Jackson; Jefferson Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Jefferson County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Jefferson; Johnson County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Johnson; LaFayette Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [LaFayette County]

Early Arkansas tax records [LaFayette; Lawrence Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Lawrence]

Early Arkansas tax records [Lawrence; Little River; Madison Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Madison; Miller; Marion Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Marion; Mississippi Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Monroe County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Monroe; Montgomery; Newton Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Newton; Ouachita Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Ouachita Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Ouachita; Perry; Phillips Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Phillips County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Phillips; Pike Counties Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Pike; Poinsett; Polk Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Polk; Pope Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Pope; Prairie Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Prairie County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Prairie; Pulaski Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Pulaski County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Pulaski; Randolph Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Randolph; St. Francis Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Saline County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Saline; Scott; Searcy; St. Francis Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Sebastian; Sevier Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Sevier; Union Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [St. Francis County]

Early Arkansas tax records [St. Francis; Saline Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Union County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Van Buren; Washington Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Washington County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Washington; White Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [White County]

Early Arkansas tax records [Woodruff; Yell Counties]

Early Arkansas tax records [Yell County]