This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters P-R.



Pugh, T.R.

Pugh, W. A. (Bill)

Pugh, William H.

Pulaski, Agnes M.

Pulce, Annie

Pullen, Rebecca

Pullens, Thomas Jefferson

Pullen, Tressie Allen

Pullen, Virgie

Puller, Harry Cleveland

Puller, Pearl Zenobia

Pulley, William J.

Pulliam, Aaron

Pulliam, George

Pulliam, Jesse O.

Pulliam, Kinsey

Pulliam, Robert R.

Pulliam, Vergie Murtishaw

Pullig, Curtis I.

Pullin, Ralph Edward

Pullin, Van

Pulve, James C.

Pump, Annie

Pump, George

Pump, Henry

Pumphrey, Evelyn Parks

Pumphrey, James Nathan

Pumphrey, James Paul

Pumphrey, Jesse Ralph

Pumphrey, Lela

Pumphrey, Robert O.

Pumphrey, Robert Otto

Pumphrey, William Hollis

Pumphry, John

Pump, Margaret

Pundum, George B.

Puntney, Edward M.

Purcell, Betty Wilkinson

Purcell, Bobby Lee

Purcell, Elmer M.

Purcelley, Martha

Purdiman, John R.

Purdom, Ada Bell

Purdom, John A.

Purdom, John W.

Purdom, Julian Wynnes

Purdom, Mae

Purdom, Mary Ann Jane

Purdue, Benton B.

Purdue, Charlene Jones

Purdue, Charlene Jones

Purdue, Mary Willie

Purdum, Frank

Purdy, Jesse Cyrus

Purdy, Lehman L.

Purdy, Vesta M.

Purifoy, Angela Metty

Purifoy, Arthur P.

Purifoy, Earnest L.

Purifoy, Florence Astella

Purifoy, Joseph S.

Purifoy, Lawrence Lloyd

Purifoy, Richard W.

Purifoy, Shirley Ann

Purifoy, Shirley Jean

Purifoy, Syble Monteen

Purinton, Hannah

Purkins, Dwal L.

Purkiss, Grace Reed

Purk, Shirley Fay Busbea

Purky, W. R.

Purma, Ruth

Pursell, Eugenia

Pursell, L.B.

Purser, Charles Marion

Purser, Infant

Purser, Mary Edith Black

Purtee, Kelly Marie

Purtee, Raymond A.

Purtell, Jewell

Purtle, Harold Milburn

Purtle, James L.

Purvis, Robert B.

Puryear, Alice

Puryear, Oscar L.

Pushkarsky, Erasm

Pushkarsky, Stanley

Puska, Arthur F.

Putman, Andrew Allen

Putman, Arthur

Putman, Eleanor

Putman, Franklin Montgomery

Putman, Ira French

Putman, Josie Evalena Underwood

Putman, Leigh W.

Putman, Ray D.

Putnam, George H. (Mrs.)

Puttroff, Treva

Pyatt, Henry William

Pyburn, Aaron