This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters P-R.



Pryor, Calvin M.

Pryor, Charles T.

Pryor, Edward Wesson

Pryor, Elizabeth J. Wesson

Pryor, Elizabeth T.

Pryor, Estelle Ellis

Pryor, Harry W.

Pryor, Houston M.

Pryor, John

Pryor, John Hunter

Pryor, John Hunter

Pryor, Little Sister

Pryor, Lonnie E.

Pryor, Louis

Pryor, Luther W.

Pryor, Oda Ramey

Pryor, Robert O.

Ptak, Anna V.

Puckett, Anna Moline

Puckett, Augustus Garland

Puckett, Betty

Puckett, B. Henry

Puckett, Christine

Puckett, Dosha A.

Puckett, Earnest Harlin

Puckett, Edward Wilson

Puckett, George

Puckett, Gerald Dean

Puckett, Icie Sims

Puckett, James

Puckett, James C.

Puckett, James Kevin

Puckett, Joe Gordon

Puckett, Joseph L.

Puckett, Judy Lee

Puckett, Lena

Puckett, Mary

Puckett, Mattie Green

Puckett, N. C.

Puckett, Paul Clive

Puckett, Ronald E.

Puckett, Thresa Nadine

Puckett, Troy Stanley

Pudcell, Joseph Webster

Puddephatt, Charles J.

Puddephatt, lucy Maye

Pugh, Albena Low

Pugh, Annie

Pugh, Artelia

Pugh, Ben

Pugh, Charles Etta Kimmons

Pugh, Charlotte Hampton

Pugh, Daniel

Pugh, Daniel B.

Pugh, Donald

Pugh, Dorothy

Pugh, Edna

Pugh, Edna

Pugh, Elizabeth White

Pugh, Etta L.

Pugh, Evelyn May

Pugh, Felicia

Pugh, Frank

Pugh, Frank N.

Pugh, George

Pugh, George B.

Pugh, Grady

Pugh, Greenwood

Pugh, Greenwood

Pugh, Green Wood

Pugh, James L.

Pugh, Janie

Pugh, Jasper

Pugh, Jessie

Pugh, Joel Wilson

Pugh, Joe Miller

Pugh, John D.

Pugh, John D.

Pugh, John D.

Pugh, John Henry

Pugh, Johnnie

Pugh, John Wesley

Pugh, Kunta Kinda

Pugh, Little Glen

Pugh, Lucy

Pugh, Martha W.

Pugh, Meta Beard

Pugh, Minnie Pringle

Pugh, Nannie Dean

Pugh, Robert A.

Pugh, Robert Augustus

Pugh, Robert Dean

Pugh, Robert E.

Pugh, Roosevelt

Pugh, Sara A.

Pugh, Sharon Ann Harrington

Pugh, Susan C.

Pugh, Ted

Pugh, Thomas Francis

Pugh, Thomas R.