This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters P-R.



Ragsdale, James Preston

Ragsdale, James Preston

Ragsdale, Jessie Treadgill

Ragsdale, John Davis

Ragsdale, John G.

Ragsdale, Mary Jean

Ragsdale, Mattie Elix

Ragsdale, Stella Mae

Ragsdale, William

Ragsdell, Charlie V.

Ragsdill, Martha Kathryn

Ragsdill, Maude Park

Raguse, Arthur

Rahn, Fannie E.

Rahtz, Baldwin John

Raiford, E.H.

Raiford, Norman Glen

Railey, Clayton A.

Railsback, Thomas C.

Rainbolt, Betty I.

Rainbolt, Caroline

Rainbolt, Grant

Rainbolt, Saintra Cecilia

Rainbolt, Wilma Jean

Rainer, Edwin Lester

Raines, Ben A.

Raines, Christopher M.

Raines, James William

Raines, Jim Bob

Raines, Jimmy C.

Raines, Louise

Raines, Mary Jane

Raines, Myra Lou Motes

Rainey, Ada Wadill

Rainey, Bertie Mae Price

Rainey, Charles Douglas

Rainey, Dorothy Ann

Rainey, Essie Holland

Rainey, Frankie Lynn

Rainey, Harvey C.

Rainey, Icy Lee

Rainey, Ida Geneva

Rainey, James Robert

Rainey, May Phillips

Rainey, Millie Burris

Rainey, Oscar Hugh

Rainey, Oscar O.

Rainey, Sophia Clifton

Rainey, Velma Pennington

Rainey, William S.

Rains, James Wesley

Rains, Lenora V.

Rains, May Belle Davidson

Rains, Webster Alexander

Rains, William J.

Rains, William W.

Rainwater, Alpha

Rainwater, Charles Billy

Rainwater, Charles Billy

Rainwater, Clara Belle

Rainwater, Cleo W.

Rainwater, Dugan David

Rainwater, Miles Monroe

Rainwater, Raymond Ralph

Rainwater, Wesley H.

Rainwater, William Roy

Rakes, Beverely R.

Rakestraw, Chauncey

Raldick, Artie S.

Raleigh, Edward M.

Raleigh, P.

Raley, Annie Louise

Raley, James Arthur

Raley, Mary Frances

Raley, M. O.

Raley, Vera Mae

Raley, Vera Mae

Rall, Daniel

Ralls, W. E.

Ralph, Billy

Ralph, Daniel

Ralph, Harrison

Ralph, James E.

Ralph, Mabel Hill

Ralph, Samuel

Ralph, Velma Farmer

Ralph, Viola Hill

Ralph, W.H.

Ramage, Linnie O.

Ramage, O.H.

Ramback, John

Rambo, Harvey A.

Rambo, Otelda F.

Ramey, Earl A.

Ramey, James A.

Ramey, Tammy

Rampley, William H.

Ramsauer, Ben Clark

Ramsauer, Birdie B.

Ramsauer, Faby Lawson