This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters P-R.



Price, Q.E.

Price, Raymond H.

Pricer, Edythe P.

Pricer, Elna Lockhart

Price, Richard Allen

Price, Robert Glyn

Price, Robert H.

Price, Robert Lewis

Price, Robert Lewis

Price, Roy Robert

Pricer, Thurman

Price, Ruby May

Price, Russell Devar

Price, Ruth

Price, Ruth

Price, Sallie Castleberry

Price, Sammye

Price, Sarah Cannon

Price, Sidneyetta

Price, Sidney Etta

Price, Thelma C.

Price, Thelma Franklin

Price, Thomas G.

Price, Thomas William

Price, Vaughn Simpson

Price, Violet Clemons

Price, Walter C.

Price, Wash

Price, William

Price, William B.

Price, William Harvey

Price, William Henry

Prichard, Allen A.

Prichard, Eldon Ellis

Prichard, Etta Mae

Prichard, Eunice

Prichard, Gracie

Prichard, Infant

Prichard, Lon

Prichard, Wallace H.

Prichart, Rosie Louise

Prickett, Eugene Franklin

Prickett, Zanoah Harrison

Priddy, Audrey

Priddy, Irene Hollis

Priddy, James R.

Priddy, Jerry Lee

Priddy, J. S.

Priddy, Linda Joyce

Priddy, Mable Inez Williams

Pride, Ben H.

Pride, Henry Clay

Pride, Jessie Brinkley

Pride, Jessie Brinkley

Pride, John Fuller

Pride, Melvin

Pride, Thomas J.

Pride, Willie J.

Pridgen, M. C. (Colvin)

Pridmore, Gracie Mae Metcalf

Pridmore, Hazel Lewis

Pridmore, Loucinda

Pridmore, Nola Young

Pridmore, Sadie Alma Duke

Pridmore, Thomas F.

Pridmore, William Frank

Priest, Alver

Priest, Arthur

Priest, Beatrice Ellen

Priest, Earl E.

Priest, Glen E.

Priest, Glen E.

Priest, Harry A.

Priest, Jeanette Hunter

Priest, Johnni Hammett

Priest, Joseph A.

Priest, Lawrence Bascom

Priest, Lexie L.

Priest, Lulu

Priestly, Joseph

Priest, M. A. (Bill)

Priest, Manuel

Priest, Margaret

Priest, Nathan O.

Priest, Rubye D.

Priest, R.V.

Priest, Stella Bel

Priest, Viley C.

Priest, Virgil

Priest, Wilma Ione Scott

Prieto, Gladys C.

Prieur, Felix Charles

Prillaman, J.J.

Prill, Edward O.

Prim, Hy

Primm, Addie

Prim, Mary Frances Rout

Primm, Fay Murry

Primm, Glinver Lester

Primm, James