The Arkansas State Archives Vertical files, or research files, cover a wide range of topics. Materials within a file vary, but may include newspaper clippings, researcher notes, a historical overview, printed pamphlets, or event programs.

These files are not comprehensive studies of a topic. Some may only contain one or two items.


Submissions from 2020

Goatcher-Brewer Family

Goggin Family

Goldburg Family

Golding Family Foundation

Gold Rush

Golston Family

Goodding Family

Goodloe - Rives Family

Goodman Family

Goodman Family: North Carolina; Arkansas

Goodman - Stamey Family

Goodrich - Beebe Family

Goodrich Family Association

Good Roads Convention 1917 April 5

Goodwin Family

Good Work, Arkansas A Buyer's Guide to Arkansas Products

Gooldy Family

Gordon N. Peay

Gordon Wilson Allison Family

Gordon Winrod

Gore - Phelps Family

Gospel Broadcast, National Christian Weekly

Gospel Music

Goss Family

Goss Family: Polk County

Gossiot/Gocio Family

Goswick - Gossett Family

Gov. Asa Hutchison on Computer Science Education

Government Ownership

Governor Asa Hutchinson Unveils Highway Plan

Governor Conway Days Festival, Bradley, Arkansas

Governor Mansion

Governors: Accountability

Governors: A-F

Governor's Appointments

Governors: F-M

Governors : Governors on the Move

Governor's Mansion 70th Anniversary

Governors of Arkansas

Governor's Office of Voluntary Citizen Participation

Gowen Family Newsletter: Folder 1

Gowen Family Newsletter: Folder 2

Grace Schooley

Grady, Arkansas

Grady Rowton

Graham Burnham

Graham Family

Graham - Frontner Family

Grand Army of Republic, Dept. of Arkansas

Grandison D. Royston

Grand Lake, Arkansas

Grand Lake, Oklahoma

Grand Prairie Festival of Arts

Grandville Wilcox

Granny Henderson's Home Near Buffalo River,Nominated for Historical Status

Grant County

Grant County Museum

Grant Family

Grantseekers: Arkansas Horizon March 1990

Granville C. Coggs

Granville Whittington


Graupner Family: Greene County

Gravatt Family

Graves Family

Graves Family: Sevier County

Graves of Arkansas Governors

Graves - Orm Family

Gravette, Arkansas

Gray Family: Ashley County

Gray Family: Maine

Graysonia, Arkansas

Great Britain

Great Depression in Arkansas, Collier's Magazine 1931 July 11

Greater El Dorado, Arkansas

Greater Little Rock Bicentennial Prayer Luncheon

Greater Little Rock Coin Club

Greathouse Home

Greenback, Little Rock, Arkansas

Green Childers

Greene - Conley Family

Greene County

Greene County Historical and Genealogical Society

Green Forest, Arkansas

Greenhead :The Arkansas Duck Hunting Magazine

Green-McLaughlin Family

Greenock, Arkansas

Greensboro, Arkansas

Greenwood, Arkansas

Greenwood, Arkansas Arts and Crafts Festival

Greer Family

Greer Lile: Little Rock, Arkansas

Greers Ferry Dam and Lake, Twentieth Anniversary

Greers Ferry Dam and Reservoir

Gregory J. W. Urwin

Greta Kempton

Griffis Family

Griffith Family

Griggs Canoe

Grisham Family