This collection includes microfilm from the National Archives Records Administration (NARA) as well as Arkansas-specific materials filmed by the Arkansas State Archives. Records span from the American Revolution to World War I, and include content from regions of New England, the Midwest, and the South.


Submissions from 1865

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McDonald, K - McElry

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McElsey - McGee, O

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McGee, P - McGrason

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McGrat - McInturff

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McInturn - McKeown

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McKer - McKyle

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McLachlan - McLeny

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McLeod - McMillark

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McMillan - McNeigh

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McNeil - McRea

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: McReada - Meaes

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Meag - Meley

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Melfi - Merphy

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Merr - Mhoon

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Miad - Milhan

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Milhare - Miller, Joh

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Miller, Johann - Milliard

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Millicain - Mimus

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Min - Mitchell, F

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Mitchell, G - Mizzles

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: M - Madison

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Moach - Monky

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Monlas - Moomaw

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Moon - Moore, G

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Moore, H - Moore, Q

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Moore, R - Morary

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Moras - Morgan, M

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Morgan, N - Morris, T

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Morris, J - Morrison

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Morriss - Moses

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Mosesley - Moyze

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Mozango - Muncell

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Muncey - Murphy, Joel

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Murphy, John - Murtray

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Murtchin - Myzer

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Naake - Navet

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Navicy - Nehan

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Nehar - Nelton

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Nelty - Newman, C

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Newman, D - Nicholas

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Nicholason - Nilch

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Nile - Noleo

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Noles - Norton, I

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Norton, J - Nzon

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Oadel - Odeon

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Oder - Oldhouse

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Olding - O'Neil

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: O'Neill - Osborne

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Osbornes - Owen, Joel

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Owen, John - Ozune

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Paintermuhl - Parish, L

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Parish, M - Parker, S

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Parker, T - Parrish, P

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Parrish, R - Patnal

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pato - Pattman

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Patton - Paythress

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Payton - Peavyhouse

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Peay - Penderhome

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Penders - Perkins, E

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Perkins, F - Perry

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Perryclear - Petty, I

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Petty, J - Phillippson

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Phillips - Philps

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Philput - Pifling

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pig - Pitman, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pitman, L - Plylor

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Plymail - Poogstardt

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pool - Porter, I

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Porter, J - Pounders

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pounds - Powers, H

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Powers, I - Prestorions

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: P - Painter

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Prestrange - Price

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pricer - Proctow

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Proddy - Pullamon

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Pullan - Pzburn

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Qeugh - Qwimer

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rainey - Rand

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Randel - Rathke

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rathledge - Ray

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rayal - Reconlley

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Recor - Reed, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Reed, L - Regestr

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Regg - Renfro

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Renfrod - Reynolds, O

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Reynolds, P - Rice, H

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rice, I - Richardson, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Richardson, K - Riddle

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Riddleback - Riley, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Riley, L - Riyes

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rivet - Roberson, I

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Roberson, M - Roberts, R

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Robertson, W - Robinson, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Roberts, S - Robertson, V

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Robinson, K - Rodens

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Roder - Rogers, E

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rogers, F - Roleson

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Roleter - Rose, V

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Rose, W - Roundy

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Roune - Royster