This collection includes microfilm from the National Archives Records Administration (NARA) as well as Arkansas-specific materials filmed by the Arkansas State Archives. Records span from the American Revolution to World War I, and include content from regions of New England, the Midwest, and the South.


Submissions from 1865

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Arvea - Atkins, A

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Atkins, B - Austin, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Austin, L - Azu

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bailey, G - Baker, A

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Baker, B - Baldridge

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Baldridge - Barbow

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Baldru - Balph

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Barbr - Barlow, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Barlow, L - Barnett, L

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Barnett, M - Barrons

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Barrontine - Basreaux

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bass - Battles

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Battley - Bdnlefelt

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: B - Bailey, F

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bea - Bearwood

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Beary - Beckly

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Beckman - Bell, G

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bell, H - Bendan

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bendec - Benson, J

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Benson, L - Berry, L

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Berry, M - Bibal

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bibb - Biochett

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Biodd - Biyegas

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bize - Blackwell, F

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Blackwell, G - Bland

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Blandeau - Bloddo

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Blodget - Boey

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bofard - Bolt

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bolta - Boojer

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Book - Borzoni

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bos - Bourquine

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bourre - Bowles

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bowley - Boyd, S

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Boyd, T - Bradey

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bradfeild - Bradys

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Braek - Bransem

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bransfield - Breatton

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Breau - Brewyer

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brexson - Brily

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brim - Brocius

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brock - Brocks, Joel

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brooks, John - Brown, A

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brown, B - Brown, Jacob

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brown, Jacqueline - Brown, M

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brown, N - Brown, W

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brown, Y - Bruseaux

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Brussel - Bryants

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bryar - Bueye

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bufalow - Bunford

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bungamar - Burgiss

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Burgit - Burness

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Burnet - Burrelson

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Burrem - Bush, F

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Bush, G - Butran

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Butrell, - Bzzle

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Caldwell, H - Callow

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Calloway - Campbell, D

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Campbell, E - Cannafax

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cannahan - Capers

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Capert - Carlsted

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Carltain - Carpman

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Carr - Carrolton

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Carron - Carter, K

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Carter, L - Caserto

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cases - Castons

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Castor - Cavin

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cavinah - Chambers

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: C - Caldwell, G

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Chambin - Chapman, H

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Chapman, I - Cheeirs

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cheek - Childress, L

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Childress, M - Christian

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Christianburg - Clark, C

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Clark, D - Clark, V

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Clark, W - Clayton, O

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Clayton, P - Clickley

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Clide - Coans

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Coap - Cockeran

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cockerel - Coirrier

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Coissart - Coleman, I

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Coleman, J - Collins, D

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Collins, E - Colvert

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Colville - Conkright

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Conlan - Cononta

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Conor - Cook, S

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cook, T - Cooper, L

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cooper, M - Cordeol

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Corder - Costelbar

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Costell - Cousey

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cousin - Cox, H

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cox, I - Craford

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Craft - Cravy

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Craw - Crely

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Creman - Crocketts

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Crockfield - Crouce

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Crouch - Crump

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Crumpacker - Cumly

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Cumm - Curles

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Curley - Czerney

Civil War: Consolidated Index to Confederate Service Records: Dan - Dantagnan