This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters A-B.



Bacherl, Mauverneen Lois

Bacher, Mary Belle Smith

Bachman, Annie Maggie

Bachman, Joel Milton

Bachman, Joseph

Bachus, James L.

Bach, William Allen

Backer, Geoge

Back, Joe D.

Back, Joseph Russell

Back, Pimcus

Back, P. (Mrs.)

Backs, Charles W.

Backs, Charles William

Backuros, James

Backus, Joe O.

Backus, Julius

Backus, Katherine

Backus, Lavern Ivey

Backus, Norman

Bacon, Earl Charles

Bacon, Edmond J.

Bacon, Effie B.

Bacon, Iula

Bacon, Jesse Lee

Bacon, J.T.

Bacon, Robert S.

Bacon, Robert Samuel

Bacon, Sallie M.

Bacon, Wallace R.

Bacon, William Joseph

Bacon, William P.

Bacon, William P.

Bacus, Eliza

Bacus, Leroy

Bacus, Susie Hurley

Badde, Stewart

Baden, Minnie Belle

Badger, Belle

Badger, Charlotte S.

Badgett, Cornelia T.

Badgett, Fannie

Badgett, Julia T.

Badgett, Lucetta S.

Badgett, O.K.

Badgett, O.O.

Badgett, Russell

Badgett, Samuel P.

Badiali, Craig

Badiali, Craig

Badillo, Pablo Vargas

Badley, Payton D.

Badrteubner, Agnes

Baer, Arthur

Baer, Arthur

Baer, Arthur B.

Baer, Herman

Baesley, Susan

Baesley, Wash

Baesley, W.E.

Baesley, William Jasper

Baessler, William Fredrick

bagby, A.W.

Bagby, Charles M.

Bagby, David

Bagby, Doyle

Bagby, Gladys Burdette

Bagby, H.N.

Bagby, Jesse Dilday

Bagby, Linville Price

Bagby, Norma Jean

Bagby, Roy

Bagdasarian, Russ

Baggerly, Sarah P.

Baggett, Charles Richard

Baggett, Clinton K.

Baggett, Dorothy Bernice Bean

Baggett, Isaac

Baggett, J.A.

Baggett, Ralph Morris

Baggett, Robert B.

Baggett, Samuel Burce

Baggett, W.W.

Baggs, Inez

Baggs, William Calhoun

Bagley, Alice Dodd

Bagley, Avie N. Bolin

Bagley, Calvin

Bagley, Edward Orick

Bagley, George W.

Bagley, Larry

Bagley, Letha

Bagley, Mary

Bagley, Maude L.

Bagley, M.G.

Bagley, Paul

Bagley, Paul

Bagley, Paul

Bagley, Sam

Bagsby, Will