This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters A-B.



Austin, Florence

Austin, Frank

Austin, Frank H.

Austin, Frank (Sister)

Austin, Harold

Austin, Harry

Austin, Henry Elmer

Austin, Henry M.

Austin, H.N.

Austin, Ida E.

Austin, Infant

Austin, Infant

Austin, Infant

Austin, Infant

Austin, Infant

Austin, Infant

Austin, Iris S.

Austin, James

Austin, James

Austin, James

Austin, James A.

Austin, Jean Evelyn

Austin, Jesse

Austin, J.H.

Austin, Joseph M.

Austin, J. W. (Chick)

Austin, J. W. (Chick)

Austin, J. W. (Chick)

Austin, Lin L.

Austin, Lou Eller (Mrs.)

Austin, Louthan P.

Austin, Lowell E.

Austin, Lysande Augustus

Austin, Margaret Lee

Austin, Marjorie

Austin, Martha

Austin, Mary

Austin, Mary

Austin, Mary E.

Austin, Mary Frances

Austin, Mildred Lash

Austin, Mollie E.

Austin, Neil

Austin, Nona

Austin, Otis

Austin, R.

Austin, Robert

Austin, Ruby R.

Austin, Ruth

Austin, Sam

Austin, Sebe W.

Austin, Susan J.

Austin, Susan Jane

Austin, S.Y.

Austin, Tempa Ann Malana

Austin, Thomas C.

Austin, Tom A.

Austin, Uis

Austin, Vester W.

Austin, Walter J.

Austin, W.C.

Austin, William Henry

Austin, William L.

Austin, Willis H.

Austin, Will J.

Aust, Theodore

Auten, Carrie C.

Auten, H.F.

Auten, Mattie

Auten, Winne Baylor

Auther, John Thomas

Autrey, J.C.

Autrey, Mary Lou

Avance, Jasper Mitch

Avance, Roxie Ann

Avant, Cole Jack

Avant, John W.

Avant, M.M.

Avants, Altha

Avants, Sam

Avent, Sarah A.

Avera, William F.

Averbach, Adolph

Averby, William

Averett, Floyd D.

Averett, George W.

Averett, Jackie W.

Averett, John R.

Averett, Minnie

Averett, Robert Henry

Avery, Andrew

Avery, Anthony H.

Avery, Charles E.

Avery, Clara

Avery, E.J.

Avery, Ernestine

Avery, Howard

Avery, James Frank

Avery, Jay

Avery, Jessie