The Arkansas Confederate Home was established in 1890 by the Ex-Confederate Association of Arkansas to care for the needs of indigent Confederate soldiers and their widows. The nursing home occupied a remodeled residence near Sweet Home, south of Little Rock, on sixty acres of land purchased by the association. When the Arkansas Legislature established a $10,000 annual appropriation for the upkeep of the home in 1891, the Association deeded the property to the State. A new building was constructed in 1892 and by 1915 the institution housed 130 residents. In the following years occupancy declined. In 1955, a new, smaller Confederate Home was built on the grounds of the Deaf and Blind schools in Little Rock. In 1961, with only eight residents remaining, the Legislature voted to close the Home and transfer the remaining patients to nursing homes. The Home was closed in 1963 and the building use transferred to the Blind and Deaf schools.

This collection consists of records of male and female residents of the Arkansas Confederate Home, as well as the Home's registry. Files contain applications, correspondence with relatives, discharges, obituaries, notifications of next of kin, burial instructions, and death certificates. The records are listed in alphabetical order by the patient's last name. The register contains names of patients, dates admitted, dates discharged, dates of death, and related information.


Submissions from 2020

Kaebfleisch, Daniel

Keathley, James

Keith, Mrs. Mary C.

Kellett, J.T.

Kelly, Andrew Jackson

Kelly, C.J.

Kelly, Mrs. S.C.

Kerley, Mrs. Arena Jane

Kestir, Isaac

Kirkham, Mrs. William H.

Kirkwood, John B.

Kirtley, M.

Knight, Mary

Kulp, Mrs. Mary

Lamb, Shubel C.

Lamb, W.J.

Langley, Mrs. Mattie

Langston, J.H.

Langston, Mrs. Sarah J.

Lassiter, Sarah Ann

Lee, C.L.

Lee, Earl

Lee, Mrs. Louisa

Lee, Mrs. Sarah

Leigh, J.L.

Lenox, Mrs. Lizzie

Leper, Catherine

Lester, N.T.

Lewis, Mrs. Clemine Hoffman

Lewis, S.M.

Linton, Sarah J.

Litton, Annie B.

Long, J.W.

Lonow, William W.

Lovett, James M.

Lungren, Mrs. Ellen

Mabry, Stephen Decatur

Mack, J.W.

Mack, W.W.

Mahar, Samuel H.

Marshall, Thomas Jefferson

Martin, Mrs. A.E.

Martin, Mrs. Kate

Mason, R.B.

Masters, Amos

Matheny, John

Matthews, Isaac

Matthews, W.M.

Mayall, Mrs. Emma

Mayfield, Mrs. Delilah

McCalla, William More

McCall, Mrs. Claude E. Knotts

McCollum, David

McCormack, J.W.

McCoul, Mrs. Serepta

McCowan, Ida

McCray, Mrs. Ida

McDade, Frank

McDade, W.S.

McDonald, R.M.

McElroy, Scott

McFalls, William

McFalls, William

McKinney, Mrs. Julia M.

McLemone, Frank

McWilliams, Martin

McWilliams, William

Medlock, John F.

Medlock, Mrs. Lou Emma

Meeks, J.C.

Meek, William A.

Meers, Andrew J.

Miles, Mrs. Bill

Miller, James N.

Miller, Uriah Lock

Ming, Thomas C.

Mitchell, James L.

Mitchell, Jasper R.

Mitchell, Mrs. Bertha

Montague, John

Montague, Louisa

Moore, Charles E.

Moreland, M.D.

Morgan, Mrs. Kate

Morris, Robert

Morton, R.O.

Mosenthin, Mrs. Malenda

Moyer, Lacinda

Neal, Ellen

Neal, Mrs. A.S.

Nelson, William R.

Newbern, Sarah N.

Noland, Mrs. Lettie N.

Norrie, Mrs. Anna E.

Norris, J.A.

Norris, Mrs. J.A.

North, T.D.

Nunn, Thomas James Fletcher

Oakley, Elijah Preston

Oliver, P.G.