The Arkansas Confederate Home was established in 1890 by the Ex-Confederate Association of Arkansas to care for the needs of indigent Confederate soldiers and their widows. The nursing home occupied a remodeled residence near Sweet Home, south of Little Rock, on sixty acres of land purchased by the association. When the Arkansas Legislature established a $10,000 annual appropriation for the upkeep of the home in 1891, the Association deeded the property to the State. A new building was constructed in 1892 and by 1915 the institution housed 130 residents. In the following years occupancy declined. In 1955, a new, smaller Confederate Home was built on the grounds of the Deaf and Blind schools in Little Rock. In 1961, with only eight residents remaining, the Legislature voted to close the Home and transfer the remaining patients to nursing homes. The Home was closed in 1963 and the building use transferred to the Blind and Deaf schools.

This collection consists of records of male and female residents of the Arkansas Confederate Home, as well as the Home's registry. Files contain applications, correspondence with relatives, discharges, obituaries, notifications of next of kin, burial instructions, and death certificates. The records are listed in alphabetical order by the patient's last name. The register contains names of patients, dates admitted, dates discharged, dates of death, and related information.


Submissions from 1938

Todd, Mrs. Mary Ellen

Submissions from 1937

Bradford, J.C.

Bryan, Mrs. Nannie

Capshaw, Mrs. Florence

Davidson, Mrs. Mary E.

Hatch, Mrs. Elizabeth

Kelley, Mary J.

Long, James William

Morgan, Mrs. Maria

Morris, Rovena

Muncy, Mrs. Mary Jane

Norwood, Mrs. Nellie

Russell, Mrs. Clara Butler

Smith, Jospeh A.

Smith, Mrs. Julia E.

Sparks, Mrs. Mollie

Steele, Mrs. Georgie

Tidwell, Mrs. Callie Land

Wood, Mrs. Laura

Submissions from 1936

Barnett, Orilla

Berry, Bertha

Beryy, Mose Richard

Blackburn, Mrs. Belle

Blackwood, Mrs. Willie A

Bridges, Mrs. Darthulia Jane

Burnett, George W.

Calhoun, Mollie A.

Chambers, Mrs. Mary

Coffelt, James A.

Coffelt, Mrs. James A.

Cook, Mrs. Sarah Ellen

Dabbs, Mrs. Mattie M.

Evans, Mrs. Ella H.

Freeman, G.W.

Gaines, Mrs. Keron G.

Gately, Mrs. Fannie C.

Gentry, Helen Estell

Hardin, Mrs. Mary M.

Harlow, Mrs. Fannie

Jones, Mrs. Georgia

Lael, J.A.

Manees, Mrs. Nannie

Marsh, Mrs. Mollie

McKenzee, James M.

Mitchell, Mrs. Mary Delila

Muery, Mrs. Amanda Ann

Nelson, Mrs. Martha C.

Parker, Mrs. Hattie Lee

Perryman, Mrs. Barbara

Pond, Mrs. Nancy B.

Rucker, E.A.

Rupp, Mrs. Caroline

Sparks, Mrs. Elvira

Terry, William Josiah

Thomas, Mrs. Fannie M.

Thompson, L.C.

Vowell, Asbury Clark

Welch, Mrs. Margaret E.

Wilson, Mrs. John H.

Wood, W.R.

Submissions from 1935

Benton, Mrs. Maggie E.

Bird, Mrs. S. I.

Boyd, Mrs. Ida

Brookfield, Mrs. J. S.

Byerly, W.M.

Byrd, Sara

Cardwell, Mrs. Nancy

Cranford, Mrs. Janie

Crozier, Hugh Vaughn

Donaldson, J.F.

Dumas, Mrs. M.A.

Gossett, Mrs. Mollie

Harris, Mrs. Susan Ann

Haynie, Toliver Jones

Hill, Mrs. Sidney W.

Holland, Mrs. E.E.

Hopkins, Mrs. M.A.

Johnson, Mrs. Fannie

Kelley, Mrs. M.S.

Magbu, Nance

May, Mrs. J.M.

McArthur, J.P.

Meck, Mrs. Julia V.

Owens, Mrs. Alice

Price, John W.

Roe, Mrs. Maey

Rogers, Mrs. Mollie

Rowland, Mack

Rowland, Mrs. Mack

Rowten, S.D.

Salley, Mrs. B.F.

Studor, Mrs. Mary Catherine

Thompson, Hugh Dobbin

Submissions from 1934

Belt, Mrs. C.

Bostian, N.B.

Brantley, Mrs. Josephine

Bratton, Mrs. M.A.

Brown, James Allen

Brymer, Mrs. Mary

Carter, Mrs. Mary C.