These records cover last names beginning with U-Z of World War I discharge records for the men and women from Arkansas who served in World War I. Each card contains the veteran's age, place of birth, place of residence, and information about military service. If a soldier died during the war, the card contains information on his date of death and place of burial.



White, Richard C.

White, Richard d.

White, Rieff

White, Ripplus

White, Robert

White, Robert A.

White, Robert E.

White, Robert E.

White, Robert E.

White, Robert E.L.

White, Robert L.

White, Roy

White, Sam

White, Samuel H.

Whiteside, Ernest

Whiteside, James B.

Whiteside, Jesse

Whiteside, Jesse

Whiteside, Jim

Whiteside, John R.

Whiteside, Lloyd J.

Whiteside, Rance

Whitesides, Sterling E., Jr.

White, Sidney L.

White, Silvester

White, Sylvester

White, Talbert E.

White, Tell T.

White, Therian W.

White, Thomas

White, Thomas

White, Thomas H.

White, Thomas N.

White, Tillman

White, Tom

White, Tom

White, Tom

White, Tomey

White, Toney E.

White, Virgil D.

White, Walter

White, Walter

White, Walter

White, Walter H.

White, Walter S.

White, Walter T.

White, Wayne W.

White, Will

White, Will

White, Will

White, Will

White, Will

White, William

White, William

White, William

White, William C.

White, William C.

White, William E.

White, William E.

White, William E.

White, William E.

White, William F.

White, William F.

White, William H.

White, William H.

White, William M.

White, William R.

White, William R.

White, William T.

White, William T.

White, Willie

White, Willie

White, Willie

White, Willie W.

Whitfield, Allen E.

Whitfield, Arnia L.

Whitfield, Cleo

Whitfield, Dallas

Whitfield, Henry

Whitfield, Henry

Whitfield, Hyder W.

Whitfield, James M.

Whitfield, James T.

Whitfield, John

Whitfield, John W.

Whitfield, Kirby

Whitfield, Louis

Whitfield, Newton L., Jr.

Whitfield, Percy

Whitfield, Robert

Whitfield, Robert J.

Whitfield, Sam

Whitfield, Sherman

Whitfield, Silas

Whitfield, Stephens

Whitfield, Verlon A.

Whitfield, Willie G.

Whitford, Albert

Whitford, John H.

Whitford, Walter H.