These records cover last names beginning with C-D of World War I discharge records for the men and women from Arkansas who served in World War I. Each card contains the veteran's age, place of birth, place of residence, and information about military service. If a soldier died during the war, the card contains information on his date of death and place of burial.



Choice, James

Choice, Willie G.

Choppesky, Harry J.

Chord, Donald W.

Chorice, Roy E.

Chotard, Robert C.

Chowning, Francis E.

Chowning, Francis E.

Chowning, Guy

Chowning, Louis

Chranford, Hubie P.

Chretien, Louis T.

Chrisco, Ernest

Chrisco, Sam E.

Chrisco, Walter M.

Chrisman, Ira L.

Chrisman, James S.

Chrisp, Ellis

Chrisp, George W.

Chrisp, Howard D.

Chrisp, Velvie D.

Chrissonberry, William A.

Christensen, Alfred C.

Christensen, William E.

Christian, Andrew L.

Christian, Arthur B.

Christian, Charles

Christian, Charlie

Christian, Elmer

Christian, George A.

Christian, Henry

Christian, James D.

Christian, Jesse

Christian, John A.

Christian, John S.

Christian, Lloyd

Christian, Otto

Christian, Robert S.

Christian, Robert S.

Christian, Robert W.

Christianson, Burdette M.

Christianson, Burdette M.

Christian, Thad M.

Christian, William E.

Christian, Worthen

Christian, Worthen

Christie, Andrew J.

Christie, John E.

Christie, Scott T.

Christmas, Allen

Christmas, Charles W.

Christmas, Jabez

Christon, Albert

Christopher, Ben H.

Christopher, Bunk

Christopher, Davis

Christopher, Ed

Christopher, Freelin H.

Christopher, Gather M.

Christopher, Martin

Christopher, Otis

Christopher, Robert

Christopher, Talmage E.

Christopher, Talmage E.

Christopher, Tice

Christopher, William E.

Christopher, Willie

Chriswell, Furman

Chronister, Clayton

Chronister, James C.

Chronister, John W.

Chronister, Oscar T.

Chronister, Ren L.

Chronister, William M.

Chrouch, Charles E.

Chudy, Vendelin

Chukes, Walter

Chumley, Lomy

Chumly, Will

Chunn, George D.

Chunn, Joshua

Church, AD

Church, Benjamin F.

Church, Charles H.

Church, Claude J.

Church, David F.

Church, George L.

Churchill, Preston

Church, John B.

Church, Jonathan G.

Churchman, Edward

Churchman, Ira M.

Churchman, Iria C.

Churchman, Jessie M.

Church, Noah

Church, Ross C.

Church, Victor C.

Churchwell, Jodie

Church, William D.

Cichocki, Peter