Thomas Harding was born July 7, 1911, at Little Rock, Arkansas, the son of Thomas Harding II, an architect, and Mary Rice Harding. Following his education at St. Andrews Cathedral, Little Rock High School, and Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, he practiced architecture with his father. During World War II Harding served with the Air Force in North Africa and Italy. After his discharge in 1945, Harding opened a photography studio in Little Rock.

In 1964 Harding sold his Little Rock studio and moved to New York where he was associated with the prestigious Bachrach studio. He returned to Little Rock in 1970 and again opened a commercial and portrait studio. His company has provided photography for most of the advertising agencies in Arkansas as well as numerous national accounts. The portrait division photographed individually over 200 prominent Arkansas lawyers for the Arkansas Bar Association Wall of Fame, several thousand bankers, doctors, and other professionals.

Harding closed his studio in June 1982 to retire and devote his time to several hobbies, including pinhole photography and water color painting. He published two books, One Room Schoolhouses of Arkansas As Seen Through a Pinhole (UA Press, 1993) and An Outhouse by Any Other Name (August House Publishers, 1999). Harding died August 4, 2002, and is buried at Calvary Cemetery, Little Rock


Submissions from 1972

Lester, Ed

Lewis, John

Light switch

Ligon, Ed

Lile, Mrs. Olive

Lile, Olive

Little Rock Country Club

Lovell, Jim

Lowery, Bud and Becky

L.R. skyline: Dusk from North Little Rock

Lumber yard, Planter's Lumber Co.

Madigan, Sally

Mailbox with candle on top


Map of Arkansas showing districts

Maris, Pete

Markham, Scott

Martin, Cole

Marton, Charles

Mashburn, Ben

Master Charge Bank Card

Master Charge: Globe

Masterson, Nina

Mauldin, Jan

McCallum, Jane

McCaskill, Austin

McClellan, Melinda

McCoy, Meredith

McDonald, James

McGehee, Abner Jr.

McGehee, Mrs. Abner

McGehee, Scott

McGowen, Dr. R.J.

McHaney, Frances

McIntyre, Dr. John

McIntyre, Jay

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors: Family group at tree

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors: For sale sign

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors: Group of 5

McKay, Askew, Shearin, Inc. Realtors: Pine tree

McKay, John

McKelvie, Pat

McMath, Sandy

McMath, Sid

Medford, Restivo, Russell

Mehlburger, Max

Mehlburger, Max

Mendel, Mrs. Allen

Menefee, Victoria

Meness, Laura

Menz, Barbara

Merritt, Robert

Michell, Suzanne

Michell, Suzanne

Mike Kane: Medford, Restivo, Russell

Milligan Interiors, LTD

Milligan, Mrs. Ann

Minute Man

Minute Man: "Full Sack" promotion

Minute Man glass

Minute Man group at table and Dixie Equipment

Minute Man: Group, ladies with man

Minute Man: Stan Gray

Mitchell, J.C.

Mobley, Lawrence


Model of Doctor's Hospital

Model of Doctor's Hospital, Light ground

Model of Worthen logo

Moorman, Walter

Morgan, Sharon

Morgan, Sharon

Moring, Mike L.

Morse, Mary

Moses, James

Moses, James Jr.

Moses, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton

Mosley, Guy

Mountain Fiesta Wine

Mountain Fiesta Wine

Mullen, Janet

Mullen, Janet

Mullen, Joseph

Munsey Product Shots

Murphy Oil Corp: plastic utensil giveaways, first job at 412 Center Street

National Bank of Commerce Memphis: Kodak premiums

National Bank of Commerce: Pine Bluff Bandit

National Old Line Insurance Company: Box of files

Newsum, Mrs. Joyce

North end of Sheraton, Little Rock ext.

Nunn, Walter

Oaklawn painting #10

Oates, Randy

Oil lamp

Otten, Albert

Padberg, Dr. Frank


Parker, Phil