Thomas Harding was born July 7, 1911, at Little Rock, Arkansas, the son of Thomas Harding II, an architect, and Mary Rice Harding. Following his education at St. Andrews Cathedral, Little Rock High School, and Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, he practiced architecture with his father. During World War II Harding served with the Air Force in North Africa and Italy. After his discharge in 1945, Harding opened a photography studio in Little Rock.

In 1964 Harding sold his Little Rock studio and moved to New York where he was associated with the prestigious Bachrach studio. He returned to Little Rock in 1970 and again opened a commercial and portrait studio. His company has provided photography for most of the advertising agencies in Arkansas as well as numerous national accounts. The portrait division photographed individually over 200 prominent Arkansas lawyers for the Arkansas Bar Association Wall of Fame, several thousand bankers, doctors, and other professionals.

Harding closed his studio in June 1982 to retire and devote his time to several hobbies, including pinhole photography and water color painting. He published two books, One Room Schoolhouses of Arkansas As Seen Through a Pinhole (UA Press, 1993) and An Outhouse by Any Other Name (August House Publishers, 1999). Harding died August 4, 2002, and is buried at Calvary Cemetery, Little Rock


Submissions from 1976

Allison, Harold

Almond, A.J.

Aluminum rosette


Amsler, Guy Jr.

Amsler, Guy Jr.

Anderson, Andy

Anderson, Mrs. Reeves

Anderson, Phil

Anderson's Gallery

Arkansas Parts Warehouse, Tennenbaum, Tennis Center

Arkansas Sign and Neon Co. Building, Bldg. exterior


Ashmore, Buddy

Askew, Jess

Atkinson, Ginger

Autrey, Ellie

Autrey, Ellie

Ayers, Pam

Bach, Mr. and Mrs. Hans

Baggett, Delmar

Bailey, Mrs. Nancy

Baird, Betty

Baker, Tom

Bale, John H.


Battaille, Trudy

B. Baird, McLarty, R. Glendmayer

Beck, Gene

Becknell, Mr. and Mrs. James

Bekaert Building

Bekaert Building, buildings under construction, bldg. ext's.

Bell, Susan

Bell, Susan

Berry, Paul

Best, Ken

Bick Satterfield, John Powell

Bill Clark alone & with family

Bishop, Dr. C.E.

Blaylock, Mrs. Wallace (Lenore)

bldg. ext.

Blue Cross Blue Shield

Bob Riley President of Arkansas Advertising Federation and Phil Back

Bolick Distributors: Spear Carpet, Will Elder

Borchert, Martin

Bowen, Evelyn

Bowers, Chessie

Brewer, Jimmy

Brewer, Jimmy Doyle

Brewer, Patsy

Briggs/Weaver: Group of 9 people

Brown, Fred I.

Brown, Nelda

Brown, Russell

Bryant, Winston

Bryant, Winston

Burford, Houston

Burkett Trucks: Great Dane Trailer

Byrne, Mrs. Richard

Calhoun, Val

Campbell, Mrs. F.A.

Capitol Old Line: J. pillow & hat

Capitol Old Line: J. pillow & records

Capitol Old Line: Man & penny

Carlton, Libby

Carlton, Libby

Carlton, Libby

Chapman, Gordon


Chrisman, Cindy

Christian Finkbeiner: Franks

Churchill, William O.

Clark, Bill

Clark, Jerry

Clevidence, Grant

Clinton, K.R.

CNB: Reshoot pocket computer

Cole, Tom

Commercial National Bank: 14-16 bank officers

Commercial National Bank: Agri. dept. group

Commercial National Bank: Annual report

Commercial National Bank: Buildings and staff

Commercial National Bank: Pecan

Commercial National Bank: Pocket calculator

Commercial National Bank: "Teller of the Year" Omera Selman

Commercial National Bank: Travel dept., group of 7 travel dept., group of 2

Commercial National Bank: Trust Dept. Kennedy, May, Elliott

Compton, Jack

Compton, John

Conner, Robert

Cosgrove, Lisa Ann

Cosgrove, Lisa Ann

Couch, Linda

Cowling, Dan

Cravens, William

Cruse, Jay

Cruse, Jay

Cryer, John

Dean, Lyndell

Dickey, Joe