The Arkansas State Land records collection spans from 1822 to 1986 and includes Land Donation Applications, Swamp Land Applications, Swamp Land Patents, Proof of Internal Improvement Papers, Proof of Loss Documents, Forfeited Deeds, Relinquishment Papers, and other legal documents generated by the State Land Commissioner's Department.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters A-B.



Babb, James

Babb, James C.

Babb, Kellett

Babb, William

Babb, William

Babb, William M.

Babb, W.W.

Babcock, B.

Babcock, Bernie

Babcock, G.

Babcock, G.

Babcock, Walter E.

Babcok, B.

Babcok, Charles F.

Baber, Josiah

Baber, Josiah

Bable, William

Babo, W.H.

Baby, Davis

Bacchus, A.W.

Bacchus, A.W.

Bacharach, E.M.

Bach, Lewis

Bachman, Francis

Backer, R.H.

Backman, William F.S.

Back, Nick

Backwell, William F.

Bacon, C.

Bacon, C.

Bacon, Catherine

Bacon, E.C.

Bacon, E.C.

Bacon, E.C.

Bacon, Edmund

Bacon, Edmund

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmund C.

Bacon, Edmunds C.

Bacon, Fannie

Bacon, James

Bacon, J.L.

Bacon, J.L.

Bacon, J.L.

Bacon, J.L.

Bacon, William

Bacus, John

Bacus, Joseph

Bacus, Joseph

Bacus, Joseph

Badgett, James

Badgett, L.S.

Badinelli, E.J.

Badley, Wiley

Badsford, F.

Badsford, J.G.

Baeder, John Frederick

Baen, Jacob

Baeron, Tilman

Baetge, W.

Bagby, Abbott

Bagby, Abbott

Bagby, Abbott

Bagby, Abbott

Bagby, Abbott G.

Bagby, Abbott G.

Bagby, Arthur B.

Bagby, E.O.

Bagby, J.

Bagby, J.

Bagby, J.

Bagby, J.

Bagby, William

Bagby, William

Bagby, William M.

Bagford, Alice

Bagford, Alice

Bagford, Alice J.

Bagford, Martin L.

Bagford, Martin L.

Baggaly, James Henry

Baggarly, Babel

Baggarly, Selim

Baggarty, Babel

Baggerty, Babel

Baggerty, Babel

Baggett, Charles S.

Baggett, J.

Baggett, J.

Baggett, J.N.

Baggett, Silas

Baggley, S.L.

Baggley, S.L.

Baggness, William

Baggs, Joseph L.

Baggs, Robert