This page contains index entries from the Shrader Studio negatives collection dating from 1959-1962.



Frederick, Jerry

Freedman, Jerry

Freeling, Susan



Freeman, Clarke

Freeman, Faye

Freeman, Joe

Freeman, Judie

Freeman, Marineal

Freeman, Marineal

Freeman, Mr. and Mrs.

Freeman, Mrs. E. L.

Freeman, S. W.

Free, O. S.

French, Bill

French, Charlene

French, Charlene

French, Guy W.

French, Guy W.

French, Mrs. Guy


Fretz, M.

Freyaldenhoven, J.

Freyaldenhoven, John

Freyaldenhoven, John

Freyaldenhoven, John

Freyaldenhoven, John

Freyaldenhoven, Mary Ann

Frick, C. T.

Frick, Gay

Frick, Lay

Friday, Herschel

Friday, Mrs. H. H. Sr.

Frietz, Mark

Fritts, I. C.

Fritz, Michael

Fritz, Mike

Frunk, Learue

Frunk, Learue

Fryar, Mrs. James

Fryer, Don

Fulcher, George

Fuld, Beth

Fulk, Irene

Fulk, Irene

Fullbright, Catherine

Fuller, Anne

Fuller, Forrest

Fuller, Gerry

Fuller, James

Fuller, James

Fuller, John

Fuller, John

Fuller, Junny

Fuller, Larry

Fuller, Nancy

Fuller, O. J.

Fuller, O. J.

Fullerton, Mrs. R. W.

Fullington, Mae John

Fulmer, Doyle

Fulmer, James R.

Fulmer, Mrs.

Fulmer, Ray

Fulton, Thomas

Fulton, Tommy

Fultz, Edwin

Funk, Annette

Fureigh, James A.

Furlow, Pat

Furrh, Kenneth


Gaber, Bruce

Gabor, Bruce

Gaffney, G.

Gaffney, Mrs.

Gaither, Garry

Gaither, Gary

Galbrecht, C. R.

Gallagher, Kay

Gallagher, Marguerite

Galliher, Mrs. R.

Galloway, Barbara

Galloway, Bob

Galloway, Lynn

Galloway, Mrs.

Galloway, Mrs. J. R.

Galloway, Perry

Galt, Mary

Galusha, Paula

Galvin, Monsgr.

Galyean, Emma

Galyean, Roy H.

Gannaway, Carolyn

Gannaway, Carolyn

Gannaway, Mrs. A. C.

Gann, Juanita

Garbacz, Chris

Garbacz, Chris