This page contains index entries from the Shrader Studio negatives collection dating from 1950-1953.



Pate, John W.

Pate, John W.

Pate, John W.

Pate, Lois

Pate, Mrs. Bettie

Patrey, Mrs. Nita

Patrick, Bob

Patrick, Mrs. J.

Patrick, Robert

Patten, Carol

Patten, Gerland

Patten, Gerland P.

Patten, Lawrence

Patterson, Edythe

Patterson, Frank

Patterson, Mrs. H. E.

Pattillo, Mrs. Charles

Pattison, Mrs. H. E.

Patton, Barbara

Patton, Barbara

Patton, Carol

Patton, Carol

Patton, Dolores

Patton, Mary

Patton, Maurice

Patton, Maurice G.

Patton, M. G.

Patton, Mrs. Roy C.

Patty, Claiborne W.

Paulette, Vick

Paulette, Vick

Paul, Jerry

Paul, Robert

Paul, Robert

Paul, Robert

Payer, Margie

Payne, B. L.

Payne, Bobbie

Payne, Dr. E. A.

Payne, James T.

Payne, James Troy

Payne, J. Troy

Payne, Laud M.

Payne, Lou

Payne, Lou

Payne, Mildred

Payne, Mr. and Mrs. William A.

Payne, Mrs. Laud

Payne, Mrs. Leanne

Payne, Sanford R.

Payne, Troy

Payton, Homer H.

Payton, Karl Lynn

Payton, Karlynn

Payton, Karlynn

Peacock, Harlan

Peaker, Mrs. Ora

Peaker, Ora

Pearsall, Thelma

Pearson, Ann

Pearson, Earl

Pearson, Earl

Pearson, E. J.

Pearson, Jonelle

Pearson, Lewis

Pearson, Mrs. J. C.

Pearson, Pat

Peaslee, Caroline

Peavey, Tom

Peck, Ann

Peck, Lair

Peebles, Baker

Peeler, Mary

Peel, Mrs. Jno. W.

Peel, Nomia Catherine

Peeples, George

Peeples, George R.

Peeples, Raymond E.

Peerless Sales Co

Peevey, Lorhea

Pehrson, Glenda

Pelkey, Marion

Peloubet, Mrs. W. C.

Pemberton, Mildred

Pendergast, Monsgr.

Pendergraft, Linzy

Pendergrass, Jo

Pendergrast, T. T.

Pendleton, Pat

Pendleton, Paul B.

Pengelly, Billie

Penick, James

Penick, Mrs. James

Penick, Mrs. James

Penick, Mrs. James Jr.

Penick, Mrs. James M. Jr.

Penix, Mrs. J. A.

Penney, J C Co

Pennington, B. M.

Pennington, Charles