This page contains index entries from the Shrader Studio negatives collection dating from 1944-1945.



Ng, L.

Nibert, Wanda

Nichols, Arminta

Nichols, Charles

Nichols, H. W.

Nichols, Leroy

Nichols, Mrs. T. B.

Nichols, Nicholas

Nicholson, A/S Novice

Nicholson, Jack

Nicholson, N. L.

Nicholson, S/Sgt. Jack D.

Nichols, Pvt. and Mrs. Franklin

Nichols, S. J.

Nichols, Thomas K.

Nickell, Herman

Nickels, Lt. W. E.

Nickels, Mrs. C. W.

Nicola, Pvt. Raymond

Niederkohr, Dean

Nielsen, William

Niemann, Mrs. Hazel

Niemeyer, Lt. M. C.

Niemi, August

Niezgodaki, Alex

Nigreen, Mrs. H. L.

Niles, Harold

Nimmo, William C.

Nishita, Sgt. H.

Nishjo, Pvt. Shiro

Nishomeo, Masanobo

Nishomeo, Pvt. Masanobo

Niswanger, Jack R.

Niswonger, Agnes

Nix, Jarrell

NLR High School band

Nobert, Armel

Noble, Blanche

Noble, Earl

Noble, Mrs. Floyd

Noble, Shirlie

Noble, Tom Dick

Noblin, Willene

Noga, Edward J.

Noguehi, George

Noland, Donald

Nolan, James

Nolan, Mrs. Billie C.

Nolan, Pvt. Robert

Noonan, M/Sgt. Fred J.

Noonan, Willard

Norby, PFC Kenneth

Norfleet, Cpl. Edward

Norfleet, Mrs. Frank

Norlien, Emmett

Norlock, Eugene

Norman, Dale

Normand, Raymond

Norman, J. F.

Norman, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jr.

Norman, W. C.

Norrell, Juanita

Norris, Margaret

Norris, Margaret

Norris, Mrs. Lorena

North, Conrad

Northcutt, Bess

Northcutt, H. A.

North, Dorothy

Northrop, Gaylord

Northrup, Martha

Norton, Cpl. Wilbur

Norton, Mrs. David

Norwood, Donald

Nosal, Hattie

Nottingham, Raymond

Novakowski, Joseph

Novak, R. J.

Novotny, Lt. and Mrs. E. R.

Nowak, Arthur C.

Nowak, Mjr. T. J.

Nowak, Pvt. and Mrs. Donald

Nowell, Mrs. Joe

Nowell, Mrs. Joe H.

Nowell, Mrs. Joe H.

Nowell, Sgt. Joe

Nowicki, Stanley

Nowlicki, Walter

Nowotny, Melvin

Noxon, L. W.

Noyes, John E.

Nuckolls, Mrs. L. W.

Nucum, Cyril

Nudelman, Cpl. & Mrs. M.

Nugent, Pvt. John

Nunez, Hector

Nunis, Bennie

Nunis, Nora

Nunnally, Pvt. Douglass

Nunn, Kenneth