This page contains index entries from the Shrader Studio negatives collection dating from 1942.



Hubbard, L. C.

Hubbard, Lt. & Mrs. T. G.

Huber, Lloyd

Huber, Mrs. Edna

Hubner, Anton

Huckins, Benjamin F.

Hudgens, Sgt. Chester

Hudgins, Paul

Hudson, Chaplain James A.

Hudson, Den

Hudson, John

Hudson, Mrs. J. E.

Huebner, Edward A.

Huey, Joe

Huff, Florence

Huffman, Billy

Huffman, Russell

Huff, Martha

Hugg, Joe

Hughes, E. C.

Hughes, Ersel L.

Hughes, Lt. H. F.

Hughes, Lt. H. J.

Hughes, Lt. & Mrs.

Hughes, Margaret

Hughes, Mary Lee

Hughey, Joe Ed

Hugill, Alvin

Huie, Kate Crawford

Hulen, Mrs. James F.

Hull, Robert

Hull, Simpson

Hulme, Marcus

Humphreys, H. R.

Humphreys, Oscar

Humphreys, T. H. Jr.

Hundley, Frances

Hunnicutt, Kathleen

Hunter, W. P.

Huntley, F. H.

Huntley, Herndon

Hunt, Mrs. Ruth

Hunt, Rev. William T.

Hurley, Louis E.

Hurst, Fred

Hurst, M. H.

Hurt, Kolita

Hurwitz, Lt. H.

Huston, Leslie

Hutcheson, Cpl. Thomas

Hutchinson, Dr. L. D.

Hutchinson, Mrs. L. D.

Hutchinson, Sharon

Hutchison, Emmett

Hutner, Mjr. S.

Hutson, Holman

Hutto, John R.

Hutto, John R.

Hutton, Sgt. George

Hyche, Delmus

Hyde, Sgt. W. E.

Hymanson, Paul

Ichiyasn, Haruo

Ide, Joe T.

Idema, J. J.

Iino, William

Ikuta, Joe H.

Imbeau, Waymand

Imgrossia, Pvt. Lucien

Inai, Pvt. Harris

Inataki, Kuuaski

Infantile Paralysis Campaign and chairman

Ingalls, Helen

Ingersoll, Paul

Ingland, Julian

Inglin, Elvin A.

Inglin, Ruth

Ingold, Lester

Ingram, Marcella

Ingram, Sgt. George E.

Inouye, George

Ireland, Don

Irvin, Chester T.

Irving, Lt. & Mrs. Glenn

Irving, Robert

Irvin, Jack

Iseman, M.

Iseman, Mrs. M.

Isgrig, Ben

Isgrig, Bryan Jr.

Isgrig, Mrs. U. A.

Ishige, Min

Ishihara, Pvt. T.

Ishii, James K.

Isom, Mrs. J. E.

Itani, T.

Itano, Henry M.

Itatini, Misao

Ito, Ben

Ito, Joe