This page contains index entries from the Shrader Studio negatives collection dating from 1938-1941.



Greer, Mrs. Alton

Grefe, Henry

Grefe, Mr. & Mrs. H. C.

Gregory, Betty Jane

Gregory, C. R.

Gregory, Jean

Gregory, Mrs. C. E.

Gregory, Mrs. C. R.

Gregory, Mrs. R. E.

Gregory, Mrs. W. N.

Gregory, R. E.

Gregory, R. E.

Gress, Russell

Gribble, Charles

Griffey, Rose Mary

Griffin, Emna Lee

Griffin, H. B.

Griffin, Horace

Griffin, Jack

Griffin-Leggett Funeral Home fleet of cars

Griffin-Leggett Funeral Home Flowers

Griffin, Mary Alice

Griffin, Mrs. Lon

Griffin, Osie

Griffin, Paul W.

Griffin, Paul Y.

Griffith, Bill

Griffith, Elizabeth

Griffith, G. G.

Griffith, Robert W. Jr.

Griffith, R. W. Jr.

Griffiths, Marion

Grigsby, Camille

Grimes, Rhea

Grisham, George H.

Grissom, Mrs. R. C.

Grissom, R. C.

Grizzelle, H. E.

Grobmeyer, Marilyn

Grobmeyer, Maryilyn

Grobmeyer, Virginia, bride

Grogan, Thomas

Grojean, Charles

Groneweg, Lt. E. S.

Grooms, Margaret

Grose, D.

Gross, Alice

Gross, Carl

Grossman, Pvt. Joseph L.

Gross, Mrs. M.

Grubbs, Geraldine

Gruen, Dreter

Gruenwold, Mrs. F. W.

Grundfest, Sam

Grundzinski, Sylvester

Gruner, A. J.

Gruner, George F.

Grunfest, Loris

Grunfest, Mrs.

Grunfest, Sam

GSIC Wrecked car

Guam, Bill

Guanella, Mrs. George

Guenter, Mrs. Bernard

Guice, Martha

Guidos, Georgia Mae

Guilford, Eleanor

Guilford, Raymond

Guinn, Sgt. Lee

Gulf Oil Refining Co. Sales meetings and displays

Gulf Station

Gulick, Joseph J.

Gulley, Billy

Gulley, Mitzi

Gulley, T. J.

Gulley, W. P.

Gunderman, Cecelia

Gunderson, P. S.

Gunia, Frank

Gunn, J. M.

Gurley, Jimmie

Gurwell, C. F.

Gus Blass Co. Adv. display

Gus Blass Co., Carole King Fashion Event

Gus Blass Co. Nellie Don Dress Shop

Gustus, Mrs. E. A.

Gutensohn, Paul

Guthridge, 2 babies

Guthridge, Mrs. A. R.

Guthrie, Ewing

Gutz, Mrs. R. T.

Guyot, Aubrey

Guy, Walter

Gwin, Robert

Haas, Clyde L.

Haas, C. M.

Haas, Mrs. Julian

Haas, Mrs. Julius

Hablitzel, Fritz

Hackett, Mrs. John