This collection includes microfilm from the National Archives Records Administration (NARA) as well as Arkansas-specific materials filmed by the Arkansas State Archives. Records span from the American Revolution to World War I, and include content from regions of New England, the Midwest, and the South.


Submissions from 1865

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Cavalry, A - G

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Cavalry, H - Pi

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Cavalry, Po - Z

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, A - B

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, C - F

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, G - J

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, K - Mi

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, Mo - Sn

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Tenth Infantry, So - Y

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion, Cavalry, A - D

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion, Cavalry, E - I

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion, Cavalry, J - N

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion, Cavalry, O - Sn

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion, Cavalry, So - Z

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion Infantry, A - O

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battalion Infantry, P - Y; Third & Fifth (Consolidated) Infantry

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Battery, Light Artillery

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Cavalry, A - C

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Cavalry, D - Ha

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Cavalry, He - Me

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Cavalry, Mi - Sp

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Cavalry, St - Y

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Field Battery, Light Artillery; Fourth (Harris') Field Battery, Light Artillery

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, Bl - Co

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, Cr - Fu

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, G - I

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, J - Me

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, Mi - Rh

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, Ri - Ta

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Third Infantry, Te - Z

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Thirteenth Battery, Light Artillery; First Field Battery, Light Artillery; Second Field Battery, Light Artillery

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Cavalry, A - F

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Cavalry, G - M

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Cavalry, N - Y

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Infantry, A - Di

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Infantry, Do - K

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Infantry, L - Po

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Twelfth Infantry, Pr - Z

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Williams' Regiment, Cavalry

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Wood's Regiment, Cavalry, A - L

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Missouri: Wood's Regiment, Cavalry, M - Y

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: A - Ac

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Ad

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Ae - Ale

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Alf - Allen, R

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Allen, S - Am

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: An - Ander

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Andes - Aq

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Ar - Arn

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Aro - As

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: At - Au

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Av - Bah

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bai

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Baj - Bak

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bal

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bam - Barb

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Barc - Barm

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Barn - Barne

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Barnh - Barz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bas - Bat

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bau - Beak

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Beal - Beasd

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bease - Bed

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bee - Benl

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Benm - Beq

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Ber - Bet

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Beu - Bin

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bio - Biz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Blae - Blaz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bl - Blad

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Ble - Bn

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bo - Bol

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bom - Boo

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bop - Bov

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bow

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Boy - Boz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brae - Bran

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brap - Bret

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Br - Brad

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Breu - Brid

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brite - Briz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bro - Bron

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Broo - Brov

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brow - Brown, I

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brown, J - Brown, P

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brown, R - Browv

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Brox - Bru

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bry - Brz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bu - Buf

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bug - Bun

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Buo - Buri

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Burk - Burm

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Burn

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Buro - Burz

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Bus - Butl

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Butn - Cah

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Cai - Calk

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Call - Caly

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Cam - Campbell, I

Civil War: Confederate Service Records, Unfiled Papers and Slips: Campbell, J - Camy