
Date Original



This collection is comprised of a scrapbook containing materials related to the Pilot’s Club, World War II USO memorabilia, and graduations from Arkansas institutions. Also, this scrapbook has images of Jane Ragan Crecink, her family and friends, USO events, and other unidentified events.

Biographical/Historical Note

Jane Ragan Crecink was born on July 6, 1916, to Ava R. Harris Ragan and James Ragan in Warren, Arkansas. Her family moved to Little Rock, Arkansas, where Jane Ragan graduated from Little Rock Central High School in 1933, and later from Draughton’s School of Business. She was a charter member of the Business and Professional Women’s Club and a member of the Pilot’s Club. Jane Ragan worked in various positions with such companies as the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis’s Little Rock Branch, the Home Owner’s Corporation, and the Arkansas Gazette newspaper. At the Arkansas Mechanical and Agricultural College, Jane Ragan served as secretary to two presidents of the college. She later served as secretary to the president of Colorado State University. It was during this latter position in Colorado that Jane Ragan met John Calvin Crecink, who had been born on December 4, 1921 in Meadville, Mississippi to Webster and Mary Crecink. The couple married in November of 1950, had four children, and settled in Mississippi. Jane Ragan Crecink died on October 25, 1999, and her husband John followed on August 12, 2012. The couple is buried in Memorial Garden Park in Starkville, Mississippi.

Physical Description

Document, 8.5" x 11"

Geographical Area






Resource Type



Jane Ragan Crecink scrapbook, MS.000815


Arkansas State Archives

Contributing Entity

Arkansas State Archives

Recommended Citation

Jane Ragan Crecink scrapbook, Arkansas State Archives, Little Rock, Arkansas.


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United States History