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This is a diary kept by Richard Perry Harrison, a Confederate soldier in Arkansas during the Civil War.

Biographical/Historical Note

R. P. Harrison, Richard Perry Harrison was born October 12, 1843, and died June 2, 1911. Richard Perry Harrison left his home on July 4th, 1861 to enlist. On August 5th, 1862, he was sworn into the Confederate army for three years. His regiment broke up on May 18, 1865.


[Page 1] R.P. Harrison
[Page 2] Left home July 4th, 1861 for Camp Walker,
in Benton County, Arkansas. [A]rrived there on the
second day; found a very pleasant Camp
situated in a large prairie on a mound one
mile from wood and water - Remained
there three weeks and taken up a line of
march for Mo. [H]ad a very dry dusty hot
march of it, and no excitement untill[sic] we
arrived on Cane Creek where we had
several alarms. [F]ormed line of battle often
but no enemy came upon us. Received
ordors[sic] to cook three days rations and mar
ch at one oclock at night; Cooked our
rations - made[,] haversacks to transport it
in and while thus engaged, the Conversation
arose about the destiny of infants and their
receival in an nother[sic] world[.] Some thought
they they[sic]were sure of a peaceful resting
place and all of us meditating on the future[,]
one of the boys remarked that "infantry
ought to be saved any how;" he was thinking
seriously about the matter. We marched
at the above named hour[.] D[,]
an old volu
nteer thought it better to eat his rations
all at once than to be encumbered with
them so he consumed his and after march
ing a short distance[,] the old fellow become[sic]
very sick and threw up all he had eaten -
sworn it was hard to loose[sic] all his rations
in that manner and especially his coffee.
Marched very hard and camped at Sharp's
Spring near Wilson's Creek where we lay
[Page 3] on flint gravels that each had sev
eral points and all of them turned up -
without our blankets; had left our wa
gons behind and marched at sunrise[;]
only went up to Wilson's Creek and
camped in a very nice shade where
we remained a few days and our or
derly Sgt. drew a sack of beans as he
thought but fortunately found it to
be best quality of coffee so we had
coffee when the other troops were out.
Received orders to cook four days rations
and unfortunately we had no bread so
we jerked our beef[,] prepared our sugar
and coffee for a march at nine oclock at
night - went to see brother jim
who had drew bacon and flower[sic] and
he given me three of his biscuits wh
ich helped me out very much; bad
cloudy night and we did not march.
Morning dawned but found us poorly
refreshed for we had lain on our a[?]
all night[.] this august 10th, nearly
all of us eating our morning snack
when very unexpected the enemy's artil
lery turned loose upon us; they had mar
ched the night before and if we had
moved there would have been quite a
stink raised in the dark - the eng
agement now opened and each party strough
led[sic] hard for the field but the enemy
gave way and fled leaving their lea
der and a number of their men killed and
wounded. That day will long be remember
red by me for I
witnessed sights that I never before seen and never before engaged
in. Gen. Lions was commanding the US forces[.]
Ben McColloch and Sterling Price commanding
Confederate forces. August 11th been on
guard all night and I feel very drowzy.[sic]
[M]arched to the head of Wilson's Creek
and remained there for several days[.] [R]ations
very scarce[.] drew some fine [I]rish potatos[sic]
which dident[sic] go bad by any means; August
16th taken up line of march for Ark.
[W]ent up to pond springs and camped on the
following day[.] Our fathers came to see us
which agreeably surprised us all; old men
highly pleased found their boys wright side up with
care - Started again[.] [W]ent to Maryonsville
and camped several days[.] [O]ur Fathers wanting
to go on home started and our Capt sent some
of the sick in their wagons - all went and fired
our guns of.[sic] [M]ade an apple pie for dinner[.] [O]rders came to move. Et[sic] our pie half done
and moved on to Gadfly where, we had a very
hard rain on us one night and the next three
[Page 4] Men of our brigade were drummed out
of service for some deporedations[sic] done in
the country. Marched again and kept mar
ching untill[sic] we arrived at [W]alnut [S]prings
in Ark. about the 24th where we had a
very nice camp - Col. Hindman made
us a speech trying to get us to go into
the Confederate service but we all had
home in our heads too much to go in
longer - had plenty of fruit[.] [C]leaned up
our guns[,] turned them over and were dis
banded on the 28th. Father came up with
his wagon so we started home[.] [C]amped at
Elm Springs that night all gay and merry
with the idea of seeing our mammy's[sic]
and then our jularkerkes;[sic] arrived home 29th
which was Saturday. [T]wo days meeting going
on. Sunday went to church and kissed
more pretty girls than any one was aware
off[sic] - returned home and before night had
one enclosed with my arms[.] Oh that was
much pleasanter than soldiering.
Oct 29th Brother Jim left home in the
service of C.S.A. Price wintered at
Springfield, Mo. Mccolloch's infantry at
Cross [H]ollows Ark. and his Cavallry[sic] on the Ark
River. Feb 18th, [1862] Start to Elkhorn
with several boys to help fight the
enemy. Feb 19th [G]o back home. Our Army
falling back to Boston Mountains.
Feb 20th Sister Mollie's birthday. [L]eave home with
part of our things to keep south of the army till
the fight is made - Move south of Van
[B]uren 15 miles and wait the movements of the
Army - About the last of the month move
down to [H]orsehead Johnson County Ark.
and settle ourselves to make a crop. March 7th
and 8th have a battle at Elkhorn in which our
Army is defeated and moves south - in great
suspense about brother Jim but hear of his
being safe in a few days. The Army comes
by going to Miss. Brother stays one night at
home. Pap starts in a few days to Washington
County after some of our stock and see
what has become of old homestead. [R]etu
rns with our Cattle! [W]ork in the crop
till June when the conscript law is
taking hold of such fellows as I am. Start
to Washington County[.] June 19th leave my
mama for the Army[.] [A]rrive in Washington
20th and next day to the singing and see
all the young people who are as gay as
cricketts.[sic] Lay of[sic] my Sundays and go to the
harvest field - move my washing to Cous
in Addies and go to work like a white head.
About 20th July scout of federals come a[sic]
along and take me in out of the wet. Start
for Springfield, Mo. and on fourth day make
my escape and return to my old beat.
[Page 5] Hide out in the brush for a few days[.] [G]et
to thrashing wheat. Col Carroll moves
his cavalry up and infantry also; get our
companys[sic] together at Aunt Sinias - I with
several other boys go join Capt Pettigrew's
company[.] August 5th sworn in today
for three years or the war. All get permis
sion to remain at home a few days. I get
a five day pass to go to horse head to see
the family. [F]ind them all well. Stay one
day and two nights; return to Washington
and thrash wheat untill[sic] the 15th [A]ugust
when we start to camp at Aunt
Sinias[.] [August] 16th march to Mount Comfort
and camp[.] [H]ave a very nice camp and
drill just lots every day, but oh! I
think of my jularkers that is back
in mountain; but I retire to some
secluded spot in a quite shade and
with pen ink and paper give them the
purest sentiments of my heart. Sept 9th
move to Elms Springs and thence to
Bentonville and then to Sugar Creek. [L]ooked
over the battle ground. The peaches __ my __ the ground[.] [H]ad peach
pies ever now and constant. Turned
over our arms and marched for Elm Springs[.]
[A]rrived there in due time and now
drill six hours per day. Pap has moved
home from Johnson County; get a pass
for 24 hours and go home to see the family. [R]etu
rn when my pass is out - leave Elm Springs.
Oct 3d march through Fayetteville and one of
the hardest rains fell I ever seen and we camped
at Davy Walkers[.] [I]t rained all night incessant
tly and next day we got dinner and then we
marched for Camp Reagan and then to Camp
Marmaduke[.] [H]ere we have some of the largest
pines and get some of the finest kind of
sweet potatoes[.] [W]e need a machine very
bad to clearify[sic] them so they will be more
holsome.[sic] Move back to Camp Reagan
and have fried potatoes for supper which
gives one of our mess the name that
he will go by for years - Clean off
ground to drill on. Gen Hindman
comes along and informs us we have to
cross the mountain for our arms. Strike
out and arrive at [S]padry [B]luff on the 23d
of Oct. and next morning to our great sur
prise found the ground covered with
snow but is soon melted off and we went
to drilling as usual - in a few days
drew arms[,] clothing[,] knapsacks[sic] and an outfit
generally. Dock[,] Sally and Pap come to see me[.]
Pap returned home soon. Nov 14th take
our line of march for Van Buren[.] Camp on
horse head[.] [I]t rains very hard to day[.] I stayed
with Sister Sallie two nights. March on for
[Page 6:] Van Buren. Camp on White [O]aks. I have
a chill in the night[.] [N]ext day march to
[M]ulberry and I did'ent[sic] get in camp untill[sic]
late owing to my illness - Would have had
the creek to waded but cousin [C]lem
let me wride[sic] his horse over; march a
gain[.] I and Cousin Will dodge the guard
and stop at [U]ncle Joels and get dinner[.]
[G]o on to camp in the afternoon which
is on the [B]ig [F]rog Bayou[.] [N]ext day move
up to the river and part of our com
mand crosses over - Pap calls to see
me[.] [H]asent[sic] got home yet; march up
to Van Buren after night and the second
day cross the river and march to
Camp Mazard where we get into
our Brigade which is Gen Fagan
is commanding.
Dec 1st start from camps. [L]eave part of
our baggage and convalesants[sic] to take
care of them[.] Cross the river and camp be
low town. Dec 2nd lay in camps today.
Dec 3rd marched six miles and camped.
Dec 4th marched early and camped on
Lees Creek. 18 miles to day and 16 of us
sleep in one tent to night.
Dec 5th have some more of our camp
equipage; the Command is marched in close
collum[sic] to hear some orders read Gen
Hindman and all kneel in prayer implore
ing a blesing[sic] from God for our future
victory. March about five miles and camp[,]
it being dark as we consumed most of the
day before starting. Dec 6th get a late start
the whole army moves very slow, marched about
eight miles and camp at uncle John Morrows.
Dec 7th - no sleep last night[;] drawing and
preparing rations to carry with us and mar
ch at three oclock 'A.M.' [G]et over the
mountain by day light, and double quick
from uncle Elisha's to our house. [L]eft my
knapsack with Cousin [A]ddie expecting
to go to Cane [H]ill, but went by home[.]
[S]aid howdy[,] got two biscuits and vamous[sic]
on to Prairie [G]rove where we formed
a line of battle and after resting[,] the enemy
came upon us and we charged them. [T]hey got
away as fast as their heels could take them.
After an engagement from 1 oclock untill[sic] night
bivouoked[sic] in line of battle untill[sic] near midnig
ht when we all moved off as quiet as if there
was no enemy near us - stoped[sic] a few minuets[sic]
at home to inform of my safety and marched
to our camp where we had camped the night pre
vious. Dec 8th poorly refreshed and the
[Page 7:] most lonely solitary looking set of men you ever
seen or heard of[.] [H]ad nothing to eat[.] Pap came by going south a
gain and we marched ten or twelve miles and
bivouacked.[sic] [S]till no wagons come to us and we
lay down superless[sic] again. [B]egin to feel very
squamish[sic] about the living part of us that
is slightly hungry - about midnight a wag
on come with rations and two skillets to
the company so we cooked by detail untill[sic]
day when we all had plenty and marched
again[.] Dec 9th encamped on Lees Creek at
our old camp - beginning to think that Hin
dman had given up the fight sure enough
which was contrary to all our wishes and expecta
tions for we went to whip and done so as far
as we went but the Gen'l thought best to
withdraw his troops and done so.
Dec 10th marched early and camped in six miles
of Van Buren, having marched about sixteen
miles. Dec 11th march through town[,] cross
the River and camp at our old beat where we
got our tents and all else we had left behind.
Dec 25th nothing transpired of any worth, it
being Christmas[.] Col Brooks offered a prize
to the fastest foot racer, the boys being very low
spirited. [H]e was trying to get some fun up
in camps. Dec 26th take up the line of march
south and camp in a creek bottom thicket[.] [H]ad
a very good nights rest. Dec 27th march about
sixteen miles and camp in a very nice grove
and during the evening hear heavy cannonading
in our rear and afterwards learn the Yanks boming[sic]
Van Buren and our old camp but captured
nothing but some commissarys[sic] which we ought
to have ete[sic] long before but wouldent[sic] issue
and let the Yankees get them.
Dec 28th march again and after a hard march[,]
strike camp at Morrison's [B]luff on the Ark.
[R]iver. Cook some extra rations and cross the
River[,] it being after dark before we all got
over, there being one Division along comma
nded by Gen. Fagan composed of his briga
de and McRae's brigade. Col. Brooks co
mmanding our brigade. Dec 29th cam
ped near Clarksville and expecting hourly
to be attacked by the Yankee cavalry. Pap
came to see me from Sister Sallies[.] [R]ema
ined one night and returned giving me
a shirt as I had left my knapsack and
all my clothes at home. Dec 31st just
move below Clarksville and clean up a cam
p with the expectation of remaining some
time. [G]et orders to move next day. Jan.
1st, 1863. Start early[,] march about twelve
miles and camp where there is pine trees
growing[.] [S]omething new for some of us[.] [O]ur
wagons get in which has been absent ever
since we cross the River. Jan 2nd march
eight miles and camp on the Big Pine. Clean up a
camp ground etc. Jan 3rd Dixon and I go to
Dr. Hannas to see Ellic Smith who is very
sick[.] [H]im and other sick and convalescent[sic] fellows
were sent down on a boat from where
[Page 8:] We crossed the river above. Jan 4th returned to ca
mps. [D]rew $25.00 commutation money and thought
we were doing well to get that much. Jan 5th
Started early[.] [M]arched 18 miles and camped on
Illinois Bayou[,] a very nice stream[.] [T]wo of our
boys deserted today. I left Dixon with Ellic
to wait on him. S.P. Pittman being in
command of the Company as the Capt is
absent ill. The 1st Lt killed at Prairie Grove
and the other two wounded.
Jan 11th march ten miles and camp near
Pots' plantation. Jan 12th march twelve or four
teen miles and camp on Pintra. [M]ove after
a sight of trouble getting train through
the bottom. Dock. T. came in very unpexted[sic].
13th start just as the gray light appears in
the east and in passing old Carrolls[,] the band
played and we had to maneuver our arms just
because we were passing a larg[sic] negro qu
arter[.] [T]he officers thought it would look lar
ge and not light enough for a spectator to see
whether we carried our arms proper or not.
Dock went on with us to Lewisburg where he
bid us aduie[sic] and started for home[.] Camped
at Cousin Ben. Howards and he had a large
turnip patch which suffered. [O]ur commiss
ary bought them and issued them to the men. I[,]
Cousin Will and Clem taken supper with our
relations. [T]hey seemingly were glad to see us.
Jan 14th march early[,] cross the Cadron on
a pontoon bridge and camp after marching 22 mi.
I go by Uncle Cravens and see [A]unt Jane and fami
ly for the first time in life. An officer comes a long
and press Uncle in to go hall[sic] some sick to the rock.
Start about sun set[sic] and him and I stay with
Frost's Division through the night[.] [G]et up at
revile three oclock. Jan 15th ten miles behind my
command and strike out to over take them[.] [G]et
to where they were camped[;] found them gone
and the last wagons leaving. Ete[sic] my breakfast
and marched on, overtaking the wagons and getting
my knapsack halled[sic]. [G]ot into camps just
before night[.] [D]etailed in a few minuets[sic] to go
after corn[.] [L]oaded the corn and returned to
camps[,] it now being dark and raining very
hard[.] Et[sic] a snack and returned to rest. [O]nly
slept a short time till we were awoke
by water running under us. [G]ot up
immediately and piled our bed clothes to
keep them as dry as the times would admit of.
[W]ished a long time for day before it arrived
but at least come, but still raining. [G]ot some
half done breakfast and started on our days
march. [L]eft two men from our Company
to load the wagons. Still raining and every
thing wet. This Jan 16th arrived at Little
Rock after wading the mud and water waist deep
enough to wet my - - - -
- which by this time felt very
cooling as the air was getting quite cold
and snow beginning to fall thick and fast.
Bivoucked[sic] just above town and our wagons not
coming up[.] [W]e had to make out the best we
could. Col. Brooks drew all the tents he could
find in town for to shelter us from the
snow. Snowed all night and we done but little
[Page 9:] sleeping that night[.] [S]ome stood around the
fires while others would try to sleep but few
blankets and them wet - Jan 17th snow over
shoe mouth deep and still falling - we make
our breakfast on bacon and crackers and Col
Guntr gets an old gentlemen to give us
wood to make us fires and we got fires made and
orders come to move to the Arsenal where
we were put into rooms that had no fire
places to them which was much better
than being out of doors[.] [D]rew crackers and bacon and whiskey - fared very well and got a good
nights rest which was very applicable at
that time. Jan 18th had fires in large ovens
and the smoke nearly putting our eyes out.
Jan 19th drew a lot of clothes and started for
Pine Bluff[.] [G]ot on a boat and left town a
bout the middle of the afternoon[.] [V]ery
much crowed[sic]. [T]wo Regts. of us on one boat.
We were on the finest boat on the River, the
Chester Ashley by name. Jan 20th arrived
at Pine Bluff at sun rise[sic]. [W]ent a shore and
Dick Barron and I cooked breakfast for the
Company while some of the boys bought a
beegum and we had honey to eat[.] [G]ot through
breakfast and all got aboard to go to the
Post of Arks. where Gen Churchhill was
defending the post against the enemy but
his forces were surrendered and we returned
to the Rock. [A]rrived there Jan 21st and was
glad to get on land once more and of[sic] a
boat where we had to sleep on deck among the
horses. [O]ur Regt camped in a private dwelling
and most of our wagons got in that had been
behind for five days - and our bedding all froze
together and very hard to get apart.
Jan 22nd moved out south of St. John's hos
pital and camped. Bedding got dry and doing
remarkably[sic] well for soldiers. Jan 23rd moved
to camp west of town one mile and
it was in a pine flat and commenced[sic] raining
on us. [V]ery disagreeable weather.
Jan 24th got our tents ranged and camps cle
aned up. Still have bad weather.
Feb - built a condition to our tent
and fire place which was very comfortable[.]
[N]othing going on but drilling and reviero[sic]
occasionly[sic]. April - Dock come to see me
[V]ery glad to hear from home. A good many
of the boys getting furloughs.
May 1st move to Camp Price five miles
west of the Rock. Most of the army has
gone north of the river. [O]ne brigade one to La.
[H]ave a well dug. [G]ot very good water. [B]uy
some flouer[sic] and have some huckel bury[sic] pies
which eats monstrous well to soldiers and wou
ld'ent[sic] be bad to take at a ladies table.
Get letters from home and my knapsack which had been left at home. [N]ew socks
and other tricks which was very good, brought
to me by the furloughed boys. June 17th
start to Helena. [B]een drilling since the last
date. August 25th the Division Camp at
Bayou Meta[.] [O]ur company detached to work on
[Page 10:] fortifications. Pap came to see me. Stay one
night with me. The army all move to the Ro
ck in the night. [T]he enemy is coming from
White River covering our front. The army goes
to building fortifications on the east side of the river
we report to our command. [M]ove to them after
dark. Pike and I go through a swamp by moon
light. Cross on trees. [O]ur position is on the
right of the Brigade next the river below to
wn. The cavalry has a skirmish nearly every
day and we hear the cannons. The boys heard th
em one day and they all hallowed for more bacon
and flour which always come on such
occasions - Our Company detailed for
pickett. [H]ave very strict orders while on post[;]
two of us on post on the bank of the river
and we hear them skirmishing and presently see
them coming on double quick[,] that is
our cavalry. [O]ne company formed just
below us in the field[.] [B]y this time the
enemy come in sight three fourths of
a mile distant[.] [W]e are ordered to fall
back one fourth of a mile to where the
Company was forming a skirmish line[.]
[F]ell in and presently Col Brooks came to
assist us with Hawthorn's Regt. They
formed a line with the fence where
we had been formed and we had go in to
the corn field where it was hot enough
to roast an egg or spoil it at least[.] [T]he ca
valry fell back and we were exposed to
the enemy in the straight rows - they came
in a quarter of us, and fell back[,] just a
scout of them raiding around. Sept 10th evacu
ate Little Rock with a little skirmishing
and march till after night when we lay down on
the ground and slept till day. Sept 11th march on[.] [A]ll
of us very hungry[.] [H]ad nothing to eat and the wagons
ahead. Camp on the Saline twenty six miles
from the Rock[.] [F]ind our wagons[.] [G]et super[sic] and
retire to rest. [I]n the night some loose stock
get in to Camp and get frightened and every
fellow follows "hua" thinking the cattle have
stampeded and they jump to a tree. I got strait
on my bed but did not leave it. Sept 12th start
early. The wagons in front. [A] good many boys
deserting. March hard all day and camp in an
old field after dark. [H]ave a few cooking ves
sels and cook by messes all night.
13th march hard and camp near ockport
on Ouachita River[.] I and one of the boys got
some potatoes in the country[.] [S]ome others
get a hog and we have a fine mess of
potatoes[,] pork and biscuit.14th march again
and camp on the river. I get very warm[,] drink
to[sic] much water and not well by any means.
15th move again and arrive at Arkidelphia.[sic]
[W]ade the river and camp on the Bank. [N]ot well[.]
[G]ot the dierreha.[sic] Forgot to say I lost my
pocket book with all the money I had and my
jularkers hair[,] a hand quarter that Sister Mary
sent me etc. Sept 20th move down
the river two miles and camp in a very nice grove[.]
[S]till sick and getting no better. 22nd Brother Jim
come to see me. [N]ot unexpected for I was look
ing for him. 27th move up above town and camp
in a nice grove of little pines, one fourth of a mile
from town. [G]etting better slowly.
[Page 11:] Sept 29th some of the boys kill a "mud
lark[.]" [W]e drew some fine meal and have some
pattie bread - Consolidate the different
Regts.[,] four companys to the Regt and relieve
some of the officers and send them out on recruit
ing expedition - Some of the Commands
have gone up on Little Missouri thirty odd
miles distant. Oct 3rd - brother Jim start
for parole camps at Washington. Oct 7th
after a shower of rain[,] take up the line of march.
[H]ave tolerable muddy walking. Camp
on a Bayou after marching 14 miles. [G]et some
"mudlark" for supper 8th march early[,] cross
Little Mo. [R]iver and camp in the woods. [O]n
guard. - - Oct 9th move a few miles and ca
mp in a nice grove. 11th Cousin Will
Dyer gets a discharge and leaves for the country.
Cousin Frank starts to Washington. [S]end a
letter to brother Jim. 12th Dixon and I
wash our clothes[.] [T]akes all day to get them done[.] [O]r
ders come to move and we dry them by the fire
and smoke them as yellow as a pumpkin.
13th start early and march about through the
woods like we were lost. [G]et to camp in
time. I am on guard. 14th start early as us
ual and get to Camp Bragg twenty miles we
st of Camden. [E]stablish a nice camp and do
some drilling. 20th I am detailed to go after
some potatoes[.] [O]n Sunday have to press them and
a house full of women about to whip us any
how without judge or jury. The Chaplain has
a meeting going on. [G]ood many being conver
ted. 27th start for Camden in the evening. [R]ain
falls very fast. Camp on a branch[.] [R]ains
through the night. 28th rains so we have
a bad time getting something to eat. [G]et off and
march through the rain all day[.] [C]amp near
Camden. [R]ain ceased and turning cold. [W]e build
fires in a hurry. 29th nice clear day. I have a
bad boil under my arm which pains me very much.
Draw some whiskey and some of the boys get on a "high".
Oct 30th move through town and camp north
of town close enough for us to get water out of
the wells. Nov 10th drilling every day[.] [N]othing of
interest going on. [A] good many converts being
baptized. Nov 27th move out west of town and
go to building winter quarters. Dec 15th orders
come to Regt"l headquarters for 5 of us boys
to be transferred to the Engineer Troops[.] [T]he Col
burnt the order up when it first come and I
wrote to Gen'l Homles[sic] about it and he sent
an other order for us and so Gip and I reported on
the 21st Dec. [F]elt very lonely a few days
but found out the boys and formed acquaintances
so we became reconciled. The Engineer Troops
had just left their quarters at Camp Bragg
so we had to put up quarters[,] this being the
second time we had to build. Dec. 24th
Ten of us are detailed to go to the Lone [P]ine [F]erry
and run a flat boat for crossing troops. It is
very cold and disagreeable[.] [W]e have no tent but have
a plank shed which is some better than out of
doors. Dec 28th move our quarters to the Lone
Pine Ferry and get them up in due time. Jan 1st,
1864. A detail from our Company have been build
ing bottoms for a pontoon bridge some time amd
have them nearly completed. Jan 6th put the
[Page 12:] bridge across the river and some of the boys are
tending to it. I am cook for our mess. Feb 1st
Lt Haney musters the company and appoints his offi
cers and it is very cold and disagreeable. The boys
are at work on the fortifications. [A]part[sic] of them and
part are getting out gunneles[sic] for flat boats.
March 24th Lt Haney draws our money for us
but in large bills and he proffers to pay us at
Shreveport when he can get the money changed.
Draw us some clothes[,] as near a uniform as
he could get. [I]ssues them out so every man
gets a suit. 25th load the wagons to start
for Shreveport but don't get off. [U]nload and stay
untill[sic] morning[.] 26th start early and make a very
good days travel. And camp in and around an old
school house. 27th march again and camp near Dr.
Youngs. [I]t rained little on us. Some of the
boys made a raid on some geese and captured
a lot. 28th marched to Dorchea

Physical Description

Diary, 42 pages


Civil War; Military; Soldier's Diary; war; soldiers; diary


Richard Perry Harrison

Geographical Area






Resource Type



Small manuscript collection


Arkansas State Archives

Contributing Entity

Arkansas State Archives

Recommended Citation

Diary, Richard Perry Harrison, Small manuscript collection, Arkansas State Archives, Little Rock, Arkansas.


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Diary, Richard Perry Harrison
