This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters S-T.



Thurle, Newton Edward

Thurlkill, John W.

Thurman, A.F.

Thurman, Allen Lee

Thurman, Amos

Thurman, Arthelia

Thurman, Bertha

Thurman, Ellen F.

Thurman, Elma

Thurman, Esta M.

Thurman, Eugenia

Thurman, Fenno

Thurman, Henry

Thurman, Henry Mack

Thurman, Illa Mae Phillips

Thurman, J.C.

Thurman, J.H.

Thurman, John

Thurman, John Brodie

Thurman, John M.

Thurman, L.

Thurman, Laron

Thurman, L.C. Nathan

Thurman, Lillie

Thurman, Mary

Thurman, Mary

Thurman, Mary E.

Thurman, Melvin R.

Thurman, Milton A.

Thurman, M.J.

Thurman, Mollie

Thurman, Nancy

Thurman, Nettie King

Thurman, Noel Granson

Thurman, Robert Lee

Thurman, Ruth E.

Thurman, Sidney Lee

Thurman, Susan J.

Thurman, Velma Ann

Thurman, Virgil T.

Thurman, William

Thurman, Wylie

Thurmon, David

Thurmond, Glen

Thurmond, Lou A.

Thurmond, Marie Coffman

Thurmond, Noby

Thurmond, Sam

Thurmond, Steve

Thurmond, Vonne

Thurmond, W.R.

Thurmon, Georgia Green

Thurston, E.

Thurston, H.R.

Thurston, John

Thurston, John

Thurston, Myrtle Bayless

Thurston, Richard

Thweatt, A.F.

Thweatt, Nicholas B.

Tibbitts, Allen P.

Tibbs, Hubert Earl

Tibbs, Rosie

Tice, Diane Tice

Tice, Jack M.

Ticer, John Edwin

Ticer, Virgil

Tichenor, Jonah G.

Tichenor, Mithie Brooks

Tidmarsh, Grace Mary

Tidmore, Jerry T.

Tidwell, Avanelle Mary

Tidwell, Buck

Tidwell, Charles

Tidwell, David Thomas

Tidwell, Emond Louis

Tidwell, Eugene

Tidwell, Fannie S.

Tidwell, Frank

Tidwell, Leo James

Tidwell, Leo Marion

Tidwell, Robert

Tidwell, Susie

Tidwell, Thomas Lyndal

Tiedtka, Herman J.

Tiemann, Herman August

Tierney, Howard Michael

Tierney, Jay

Tietjen, LaVern

Tietz, Bernard E.

Tietz, Doyal E.

Tiffany, George

Tiffee, Theodore

Tiffin, James Roy

Tigert, R.C.

Tigg, Amanda Melvina

Tighe, Bernard

Tighe, John L.

Tigner, Alfred L.

Tigue, Charlie L.