This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters P-R.



Poplin, Willie Lee

Poplin, W.J.

Porbeck, Anthony H.

Porbeck, John M.

Porchia, Verdia

Porter, Andrew Randolph

Porter, Anthony

Porter, Arthur Jack

Porter, Benjamin Estle

Porter, Bertha Shaw

Porter, Birdie

Porter, Bob H.

Porter, Charles Fred

Porter, Covington B.

Porter, Dave C.

Porter, Douglas

Porter, Earlene Williams

Porter, Edgar V.

Porter, Effie Loe

Porter, Eleanor

Porter, Ellen

Porter, Emma Catherine

Porter, Emmett

Porter, Estelle J.

Porter, Eula J.

Porterfield, Alfred Ray

Porterfield, Aurtrey J.

Porterfield, Christine B.

Porterfield, Eva Junkin

Porterfield, Gary

Porterfield, James Herald

Porterfield, Lucy G.

Porterfield, Pierce Bradshaw

Porterfield, Ronny L.

Porterfield, W. D.

Porterfield, Willis H.

Porterfield, Yuna L.

Porter, Flora Geneva

Porter, Foster

Porter, George C.

Porter, George N.

Porter, George Smith Fox

Porter, George Smith Fox

Porter, George Smith Fox

Porter, Grace

Porter, Grace Hatcher

Porter, Guy C.

Porter, Henryette

Porter, Infant

Porter, James Lewis

Porter, James W.

Porter, Jo

Porter, Joe Carl

Porter, John Henry

Porter, John W.

Porter, Larry

Porter, Larry Edward

Porter, Linda

Porter, Lisa Acup

Porter, Lola Lofton

Porter, Lucy

Porter, Martha Ann Lynch

Porter, Mary

Porter, Mary Caldonia

Porter, Mary Lou Jones

Porter, Maude

Porter, Maude

Porter, Maude Casey

Porter, Minnie Wyatt

Porter, Mintie E.

Porter, Morris Frank

Porter, Naydene

Porter, Odle B.

Porter, Opal B.

Porter, Orby

Porter, Rebecca J.

Porter, Robert Edgar

Porter, Rosalynd A.

Porter, Sallie

Porter, Selvia

Porter, Stephen K.

Porter, Sylvester

Porter, Tom

Porter, Tom

Porter, Ulishus

Porter, Vernie

Porter, W. H.

Porter, William

Porter, William Hannum

Porter, William Harvie

Porter, Wilma Daniels

Porter, Winifred R.

Porter, Winston G.

Porter, Zephia

Portis, Agnes Mays

Portis, Beulah

Portlock, Estell John

Portlock, Nola

Posey, Albert Julian

Posey, Burnis