This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters C-D.


Submissions from 1863

Carroll, George W.

Chew, Robert E.

Couch, Jacob B.

Coulter, Tommy

Deloney, Sherwood

Dew, William

Dixon, Thomas B.

Dobbins, Thomas G.

Doland, James

Douglass, W.C.

Dowell, John

Draffin, Massa W.M.

Draper, Milton

Draper, M.M.

Duckworth, Lucy

Dugger, W.E.

Dulin, Rice M.

Duncan, G.W.

Duncan, R.F.

Submissions from 1862

Cady, Eleazal

Cavender, James M.

Chaffings, John

Chism, Corinna

Cooper, Frederick

Cooper, John

Cox, John

Cox, Malisia

Danley, James M.

Deiss, Reubin

Dempsey, J.

Denson, James S.

Dier, A.J.

Dodd, Abner H.

Dodd, Henry M.

Dodd, Thomas

Dodd, Wilson

Donaldson, Peter L.

Dorrough, John G.

Doss, Washington C.

Dotson, William W.

Dougherty, John R.

Douglas, J.A.

Dow, John A.

Downs, John W.

Doyle, Newsom

Dresher, Jos

Duckworth, A.E.L.

Duffee, Cornelius J.

Dumas, John C.

Dunham, J. S.

Submissions from 1861

Codey, Rebecca

Codey, Rebecca

Coleman, William

Cousin, Eleanor S.

Covington, Elizabeth Ann

Cudahoe, William

DeLand, Charles Maitland

Denham, Alfred

Denton, Matthew M.

Dobbins, Mary E.

Donaldson, Alex

Douglass, John

Drew, Francis

Submissions from 1860

Chinsey, Michael

Cook, William

Crockett, Nathaniel

De Armond, Calvin

Deihl, Christian

Dodd, E.W.

Dodd, Zachariah

Downey, John Cook

Duckworth, Edward C.

Submissions from 1859

Christian, Samuel John

Cocke, John W.

Cockman, Joseph

Demphsey, John

Dempsey, John

Dempsey, John

Dempsey, John

Denton, John B.

Dickson, Anna F.

Dooley, Joseph

Submissions from 1858

Cobbs, John C.

Dean, Dr. James

Dean, James

Deason, John M.

Douglas, Mary

Drennen, Kate

Duckworth, William

Submissions from 1857

Chapman, O.J.

Crow, Artrides

Cummins, Ebenezer

Douglass, Marion

Downey, Anna Capers

Duckworth, Civillia Welborn

Duff, Sarah

Durr, Mary Ann

Submissions from 1856

Comer, Young Allen

Covey, Daniel C.

Crowson, John C.