
Date Original



This collection contains pension applications, affidavits, and correspondence regarding pensions from the 1920s and 1930s for Confederate soldiers and their widows of Union County, Arkansas. The correspondence consists mostly of letters from pensioners to the Union County Clerks during the time period including Anna Tatum and Jim Dumas. It also contains correspondence between the Union County Clerk and the United States War Department and the Arkansas Auditor of the State mostly regarding applicants eligibility for pensions.

Biographical/Historical Note

Arkansas began granting pensions to indigent Confederate veterans in 1891. In 1915, the state also began granting pensions to Confederate veteran's widows and mothers. Veterans were eligible to apply for a pension in the state in which they lived, even if they served in a unit from a different state. Generally, an applicant was eligible for a pension only if he was indigent or disabled. Union pensions were issued by the federal government and are held by the National Archives, but Confederate pensions were issued by the states in which the veteran lived at the time of his application and are typically housed at the state's archive. This collection contains pension records and related correspondence for soldiers and their widows who lived in Union County at the time of their application. The soldiers did not necessarily live in Union County at the time of their enlistment or service. The Arkansas State Archives also houses pension records from other counties in the state.

Physical Description

Document, 8.5" x 11"

Geographical Area

Union County (Ark.)





Resource Type



Union County (Ark.) Confederate pension collection, MS.000927


Arkansas State Archives

Contributing Entity

Arkansas State Archives

Recommended Citation

Union County (Ark.) Confederate pension collection, Arkansas State Archives, Little Rock, Arkansas.


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United States History