This category of microfilm consists of microfilmed copies of archival collections from our vaults, loaned materials, and film purchased from other organizations. While the majority of these materials are Arkansas specific, this collection contains material from all 50 states.


Submissions from 2020

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Cros-Cum

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Cun-Dah

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dai-Dar

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Das-Dean

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dean-Del

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dem-Devi

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Devl-Diu

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Div-Dold

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dole-Donn

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dono-Doug

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Douh-Drir

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dris-Duk

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dul-Dus

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Dut-Ed

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Ea-El

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Em-Eu

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Ev-Fam

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fan-Fee

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fef-Fil

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fim-Fitzg

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fitsh-Fli

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Flo-Ford

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fore-Fran

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Frap-Frn

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Fro-Galk

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gall-Gark

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Garl-Gem

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gen-Gilc

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gild-Gll

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Glo-Gord

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gore-Gral

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gram-Greg

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Greh-Gro

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Gru-Hab

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hac-Halk

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hall-Ham

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Han-Harf

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Harg-Hars

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hart-Hauk

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Haul-Heap

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hear-Hel

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hem-Herb

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Herc-Hic

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hid-His

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hit-Hok

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hol-Hop

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Hoq-Hub

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Huc-Hun

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Huo-In

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Io-Janr

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Jans-Johnse

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Johnso-Jones, J.

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Jones, K- Kak

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Kal-Kea

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Keb-Kellw

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Kelly-Kem

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Ken-Kerp

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Kerr-Kinga

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Kingb-Kna

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Knc-Kraf

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Krag-Kw

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Ky-Land

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lane-Let

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lau-Lear

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Leas-Lenf

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Leng-Lif

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lig-Loc

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lod-Lou

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lov-Lym

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Lyn-Mac

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mad-Mah

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mai-Mann

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mano-Mara

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mart-Math

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mati-McA

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McB-McCarthy, H

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: MCCarthy, I.- McCn

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McCo-McCy

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McD-MCDo

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McDr-McGim

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McGin-McGr

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McGu-McKen

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McKen-McLa

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McLe-McMt

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McMU-McR

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: McS-Mel

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mel-Mi

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mi-Mim

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Min-Mom

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mon-Moo

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mop-Morr

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Mors-Muller, A.

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Muller, B- Murphy B.

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Murphy, C-Murphy

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Murr-Nc

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Ne-Nichm

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Nicho-Nortm

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Norto-Ob

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Oc-Och

A Supplemental index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast ports (excluding New York), 1820-74: Oli-Oss