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1861 November 17


Sarah writes to her son that she is thankful he is willing to come to the defense of his country and serve courageously. She believes that by being faithful to God, her son may come home safely after the war. She wishes to know if she can send anything to him that might bring him comfort.


[Page 1] Bolivar Nov 17th 1861
My Dear Son
It is some time since I have written
and now I have but little to communicate that is interesting
Mr Osborn was here this morning and said he was going
to Columbus in the morning I thought I would write a
few lines your Sister recieved a letter from your Cousin Jim
a day or two ago he says I cause you more unhappyness
than every thing else I am very sorry for it I certainly feel very
anxious about you and would prefer haveing [sic] you with me
if your country did not demand your service but I feel
thankfull that I have a son that is willing to risk his life
in the defence of his Country's [sic] cause and hope you
may defend it with honor to your self and officers in
command, at all times putting your trust in the god
of battles it is through him alone that we must expect
to be victorious I have felt better reconciled in my minde [sic]
about you since you left the last time than I did
when you went off the first time you know I gave you
up in the hands of our heavenly Father to protect and
I do believe if we are both faithfull he will restore
you to me to be a comfort to me in my declining days
The letter Mr Nealy got was from your Sister I did not
know any thing about it Hay's said you had had
a very hard appoplectic fit which alarmed her very
much and was the cause of her writing in the way [Page 2] she did she kept it a secret from me untill she
got a letter from Cousin Jim she requested Col, Neely not
to say any thing to you about it but if you were sick
to let you come home I would be very glad if you could
get a furlough for a week but I am afraid you cannot at
this time so we must be patient William I want you to
write home by Mr Osborn and let us have all the news I
have one request to make of you that is have nothing
more to do with the difficulty existing between your Cap
and the Company The easyest [sic] way is the best you are There
and cannot help your self but your time will soon be out
and then you can part when you write let us know how
you do in the eating line and if you have bed clothes
enough to keep you warm your Brother put up a large barrell
of krout for you let him know if it is worth while for
him to send it to you where you are Jimmy Hicks and Jimmy
Cliff has returned from Bolivar they are making up a Company
to guard the bridges they both talk about volunteering for
40 days I have not seen L Duncan since he came home but
have heared [sic] from him frequently he is improving your friends
are all well and enquire about often Mrs Bright told me to
give her love to you when I wrote to you
The family all join in sending love to you
and Mr Fortune may God in his mercy bless and protect you
is the prayer of your affectionate Mother
S A Woodruff
PS your Sister will send you a pare [sic] of gloves by Jim
The Barbour [sic] they are not quite finished be sure and write
by Mr Osborn write to Mr Hicks

Physical Description

2 pages handwritten, 10" x 7.75"


Arkansas; Civil War; Confederate States of America


Woodruff, Sarah A.

Geographical Area

Bolivar, Hardeman County (Tenn.)






Small manuscript collection


Arkansas State Archives

Contributing Entity

Arkansas State Archives

Recommended Citation

Sarah A. Woodruff, Bolivar, Tennessee, to William H. Woodruff, Small manuscript collection, Arkansas State Archives, Little Rock, Arkansas.


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Sarah A. Woodruff, Bolivar, Tennessee, to William H. Woodruff
