This Arkansas death records index provides the location of death records as published in church publications, cemetery records, mortality censuses, newspaper obituaries, and county and local records in the Arkansas State Archives' holdings.

Records include the name of the deceased, the source in which to find the death record, and the record's date. In the case of obituaries and similar records, the recorded date is the day on which the obituary was published, not necessarily the day the person died, while cemetery records show the date listed on the person's gravestone. To view the records associated with these index entries, please visit to the Arkansas State Archives.

This portion of records includes last names beginning with letters H-I.



Hagler, Minnie Stephens

Hagler, Willie Ford

Hagler, Willie Franics

Haglin, Adella

Hagood, Alvin Lee

Hagood, Cattie Barrett

Hagood, David F.

Hagood, Effie K.

Hagood, Forrest Thomas

Hagood, Forrest W.

Hagood, Helen Jean

Hagood, John Thomas

Hagood, Mamie Melton

Hagood, Manley E.

Hagood, Mansel

Hagood, Mattie Lee

Hagood, Odis

Hagood, Odis

Hagood, Oscar Dean

Hagood, Patricia Ann

Hagood, Robert Earl

Hagood, Robert Earl

Hagood, Setsler Ned

Hagood, Walter E.

Hagood, Winnie Norrell

Hahn, Charles Lloyd

Hahn, Edgar J.

Hahn, Nellie B.

Hahn, Raymond E. H.

Haight, R. B.

Haigwood, Florence Ethel Smith

Haile, Andrew J.

Haile, Foster Burton

Haile, Isabelle

Haile, Louis Jackson

Haile, Mattie

Haile, Samuel Arthur

Hailey, Newton L.

Hailey, Scott

Hail, Fairfax Stuart

Hail, Fitzhugh Norman

Hail, Hettie Fitzhugh

Hail, Infant

Hail, Lulu Underwood

Hail, McCurdy

Hail, Rufus King

Hain, Agnes Auderer

Haines, Bess

Haines, Evalyne Wave

Haines, Harry W.

Haines, Margaret C.

Haines, Ruth M.

Hain, Viet Aull

Hair, Buford Earl

Haire, James Polk

Hair, Mavis Louise

Hairston, Clovis

Hairston, Cora Bea

Hairston, Jeffie Mae

Hairston, Percy John

Hairston, Vada Berry

Haislip, Andy F.

Haislip, Lottie

Haislip, Lula

Haislip, W. H.

Haist, Anna E.

Haisten, Walter H.

Haist, William

Haisty, Carroll W.

Haisty, Delbert

Haisty, Everett

Haisty, Henry E.

Haisty, Infant Evelyn

Haisty, Jessie

Haisty, John S.

Haisty, Kittie W.

Haisty, Nora C.

Haisty, William Preston

Haisty, Willie Phil

Halberstadt, August

Halbert, A. A. (Slim)

Halbert, David

Halbert, Marguerite Tynes

Halbert, Mittie

Halbrook, Clyde Lovel

Halbrook, L. B. (Bo)

Halbrook, Opal

Halbrook, Opie

Halcomb, Arthor C.

Halcomb, Arthur

Halcomb, L.E.

Halcom, John Thomas

Halcrombe, Alfred J.

Halcumb, Ida Elizabeth

Halcum, Dale Karen

Hale, Abbie Lee

Hale, Alpha Rita

Hale, Alvin Elmer

Hale, Austin Auldridge

Hale, Bedford B.